Total Drama Wiki

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Total Drama Wiki
Total Drama Wiki

After Leshawna, Bridgette, Owen, and Cody win a hide and seek competition, a jealous former champion named Dame Wrench traps them on a private island and forces them to play for their freedom. When Leshawna finds out Dame's secret, it's up to her to beat Dame at her own game!


The episode starts off witch Chef congratulating the world's hide and seek championship winners; Leshawna, Owen, Bridgette, and Cody. He then starts saying, "Raise the roof," to which Leshawna responds by telling him nobody does that anymore, he tells her that he does. Duncan is confused Leshawna won the hide and seek championship, she tells him she did and shows him her medal, commenting on how gold and shiny they are. Owen tries eating his medal, asking why they made it so hard to get to the chocolate, Bridgette laughs and tells him there is no chocolate, which makes Owen disappointed and he throws it away. Leshawna tells Duncan that they play the best game of hide and seek ever, adding they will probably make a movie about it, and ask her to play everyone. He tells her that only cowards hide, she then gives him three seconds to hide, as she gets to two, he runs away. Chef shows Leshawna a newspaper that is calling her and her friends the best hide and seek players in the history of the game, he also tells them they have fan mail from Dame Wrench, the best hide-and-seeker who ever hid and seeked, winning 17 championships in a row.


Duncan and Noah build a sandcastle while Leshawna fills the moat using a hose, however, Owen inadvertently destroys the sandcastle with a hose's water force and they chase him.


Voice actor Role(s)
Deven Mack Chef Hatchet
Kristin Fairlie Bridgette
Wyatt White Cody
Drew Nelson Duncan
Bahia Watson Leshawna
Scott McCord Owen
Carolyn Scott Dame Wrench
  • Noah appears in the ending credits, however, he does not speak.





  • Dame Wrench's ability to turn anything she touches into gold is a reference to King Midas of Greek mythology.
  • When Leshawna told Cody and Owen to split up, they decided to use a maneuver called "McGillis", which is a reference to the creator of the entire Total Drama franchise, Tom McGillis.
  • The episode's title and plot are a reference to Richard Connell's "The Most Dangerous Game", in which a big-game hunter from New York is hunted by a Russian aristocrat.


  • Typically, the rules of Hide and Seek entail that the hider wins the game once they return to the "base" or starting point, which in this case, would be the trophy room. Despite Leshawna and Owen reaching the base without getting caught, they still did not win.


See also[]

Total DramaRama Season 2 episodes
Glove Glove Me Do | Robo Teacher | The Tooth About Zombies | Lie-Ranosaurus Wrecked | An Egg-stremely Bad Idea | Exercising the Demons | Pudding the Planet First | Supply Mom | Mooshy Mon Mons | Student Becomes the Teacher | Beth and the Beanstalk | The A-Bok-Bok-Bokalypse | Pinata Regatta | A Dame-gerous Game | Royal Flush | Total Eclipse of the Fart | Dissing Cousins | For a Few Duncans More | He Who Wears the Clown | Us ‘R’ Toys | Dream Worriers | Grody to the Maximum | Wiggin’ Out | The Upside of Hunger | Fire in the Hole | Ghoul Spirit | Duncan Carving | Tu Ba or Not Tu Ba | Dude Where's Macaw | Way Back Wendel | Stingin' in the Rain | Cartoon Realism | OWW | Gobble Head | Me, My Elf, and I | Snow Country for Old Men | Jelly Aches | Simply Perfect | Baby Brother Blues | Space Codyty | Snack to the Future | The Gold and the Stickerful | Bad Seed | A Fish Called Leshawna | Double Oh Beth | Duncan Duty | Encore'tney | Life of Pie | AbaracaDuncan | Shock & AWW | School District 9