Like her older self, Bridgette is a kind-hearted girl who is considered the most well behaved child at the daycare, causing the least amount of problems for Chef Hatchet. She dislikes any sort of violence and tries to make sure her friends get along.
In Cluckwork Orange, Bridgette is reading a book by herself when suddenly out from nowhere, Jude's chicken, Nugget, attacks her for no reason with a pair of nunchucks and bombards her with eggs. Confused over what happened, Bridgette asks her friends what is going on. After Jude releases Nugget, Bridgette consoles him for making a tough decision.
In Free Chili, Bridgette takes pity on a starving Owen and offers to share her lunch with him, only to learn it is a bad idea as Owen devours all of her food. Later, Bridgette wonders why some of her friends are fighting over a chili dog and offers to help them.
Bridgette thinks a secret admirer would make Chef feel special.
In The Date, she is the one who points out that if Chef Hatchet got a new girlfriend, he'd be in a better mood. However, when Jude chose to make up a fake girlfriend for him and the others agreed to it, Bridgette had doubts about it, only doing so when Duncan said it could be a secret admirer who would make him feel special.
In Cuttin' Corners, Bridgette and Jude tell everyone to clam down and that they should just be happy with whatever slice of cake they recieve.
In Sharing is Caring, Bridgette is present when the kids show their toys from home. After Duncan, Leshawna and Beth get angry at Courtney for not sharing, Bridgette tries to inspire and convince her, but Courtney says no. They all end up ditching the toy to play dodgeball.
In Germ Factory, Bridgette follows Duncan's idea to get ill by licking up germs. She ends up getting sick and is unable to attend the daycare the following day.
In Cone in 60 Seconds, Bridgette is shown worried when Owen gets obsessed over an ice-cream cone.
In Tiger Fail, Bridgette plays the quiet game hoping she can beat Gwen, who wants tiger tail flavored ice-cream instead of chocolate like everyone else. She is the second toddler eliminated. The game goes for 78 years, and an older version of Bridgette is seen at the end.
In A Ninjustice to Harold, Bridgette and the kids think Beth is a ninja, which upsets Harold. Her and Noah host a challenge to determinate the class ninja. Surprisingly, she ends up as the new class ninja.
Bridgette starts hiccupping.
In Hic Hic Hooray, Bridgette accidentally swallows a worm, and gets a can of soda from Chef. Then she suddenly begins to hiccup uncontrollably. She seeks help from Gwen and Izzy, but doesn't find good solutions. Noah offers to help by lying to Bridgette about a certain "Hiccup Island". She obeys his commands until Chef announces her mother is there to pick her up. She lashes out at Chef in anger, frustrated over the awful day she had, and then finds out she's not hiccupping anymore.
In Inglorious Toddlers, Bridgette cheers for Noah, and like the other kids, is super excited when he finishes the final level of a video game.
In Snots Landing, Bridgette is really excited for Courtney's Show & Tell. When the doll house's couch is missing, she tries to help her friend.
In A Licking Time Bomb, Bridgette starts her play business of free hugs. She and some other kids become addicted to Owen and Noah's cookies, but is disgusted when she finds out the secret ingredient was Owen's spit.
In Snow Way Out, Bridgette starts to cry when she realizes the new class pet Lenny is missing. She is happy again once Owen saves the day.
In All Up In Your Drill, Bridgette is tired of Courtney's bossy attitude after she is declared the class fire fighter. She is happy when Duncan takes that role, but still ends up following Courtney's orders when she thinks there is a real fire inside the building.
Bridgette tries to help Courtney become a WeTube star.
In Toys Will Be Toys, Bridgette helps her friend Courtney in trying to become a WeTube star. She films her videos. However, Owen, Jude and Harold compete against them, and gain millions of likes. After an incident in a bouncy castle, Bridgette and Courtney are finally able to beat the boys in views. But after the video gets removed, Courtney explodes in anger, while Bridgette tries to comfort her.
In Gum and Gummer, Bridgette is seen playing with mud with her friends. She listens to Chef's warning about gum in the daycare.
In There Are No Hoppy Endings, Bridgette talks with Hoppy the Easter bunny, and talks to Beth about not smashing the eggs.
In Mother of All Cards, Bridgette is tricked by Chef into making a card for Mother's Day, since he forgot about it. She competes against her friends in trying to create the best card. When Chef confesses the truth, Bridgette is shocked.
In Duncan Disorderly, Bridgette, Leshawna, Jude and Courtney go on a nature walk with Chef. When they need to pee, Chef enters a restaurant, but the kids order food while they are there. Bridgette orders an "italian" croissant.
In Stop! Hamster Time, Bridgette tells everyone that she can no longer take care of their class hamster Lenny. Worried about Owen, she warns him about Lenny's evil side. She explains that giving Lenny human food was a mistake, and made him evil. Bridgette and Owen team up in an effort to stop the crazy hamster.
In Pudding the Planet First, Bridgette and some kids line up in Chef's office to poop in his desk. She gets scared when a giant pudding ball is about to destroy the planet, but it only destroys Chef's new car.
Bridgette and Beth have fun.
In Supply Mom, Bridgette is excited when Chef's mom becomes the teacher for a day. She tries the water cannon with Beth, and has fun. Things are cool, until she takes the kids to dangerous places, and they don't like it anymore. Bridgette is shocked to learn that she is gonna send them on a trip to the sun. But after Duncan apologizes, the kids are safe.
In A Dame-gerous Game, Bridgette, Leshawna, Owen and Cody are excited after winning a Hide and Seek championship. They are then challenged by Dame Wrench, as she invites them to her private island. Bridgette is the first kid to be turned into a gold statue.
In Dissing Cousins, Bridgette, Courtney, Jude and Gwen spent time with Ella after she shows up for Cousins Day. They eat cupcakes and play video games. Things go well until Ella gets upset and turns into a giant dragon, scaring the kids.
In Dream Worriers, Bridgette, Owen, Leshawna and Harold get worried when Izzy can't remember how her dream ended. Thanks to Harold, they go inside Izzy's dream. Bridgette, Owen and Leshawna face some trouble, including a giant killing baby, a dog that looks like Izzy, and an angry Duncan. They are able to get out once Harold fixes his dream pod.
Bridgette after donating all her hair to a charity.
In Wiggin’ Out, Bridgette shows up bald to the daycare, explaining that she donated her hair to a charity of hairless cats. Owen, Leshawna and Izzy want to do the same thing, so Bridgette tries to help them. She gives them seeds and horseradish, but it doesn't work. She then creates some kind of potion with the secret ingredient skunk spray. Leshawna pushes her and forces her to test it. It works, as Bridgette gets super hairy. She runs out of the daycare in embarrassment, and is captured by Bigfoot. Her friends try to save her, but Chef is the real hero. In the end, she and her friends donated so much hair, that there are no more hairless cats.
In Snack to the Future, Bridgette's ancestor from the past can be seen when Owen uses a time machine.
In Whack Mirror, Bridgette and the rest of the kids get angry at Cody and Beth when their clones attack them.
In A Tall Tale, Bridgette, Courtney and Harold are disgusted to see Owen "taller" thanks to his head's ridiculous height. When a man from the Zoo tries to take him away, they join forces with Noah to become "taller" too. In the end, Chef sells all the kids to the Zoo man.
In Ticking Crime Bomb, Bridgette and Harold are seen trying Leshawna and Izzy's talking hat. The hat tells them they are good people.
Bridgette gets fed up with her lack of screentime.
In A Bridgette Too Far, as Chef and the rest of the kids are discussing which episode in season three to submit for "Crazy Adventure School Awards", Bridgette realizes that she is the least focused character on the show as she is oblivious to many of her friends adventures due to not appearing in those episodes. In fact, she barely makes an appearance at all in season three. Because of this, she is deemed by others as a minor character, and Chef doesn't even remembers her name. Bridgette at first doesn't care of her lack of popularity but after getting rubbed in the face over the matter too many times, she loses her patience and demands that this will be her episode, stopping any other events from happening. Just as she begins to accept her status as a "minor character", even giving an emotional speech to the entire class, Chef declares that 10 minutes has past and because of her tantrum and speech, this is indeed her episode. Bridgette however doesn't take this lightly, seeing this as a pity episode, which is even worse than not starring in one. Finally have enough of her lack of respect, Bridgette storms to the network to pitch her own series to them. The others believe that she stands no chance but her new series, "Burning Bridgettes", was loved by the network that it cancels Total DramaRama entirely.
Bridgette's hoodie has a zipper on it, something her older counterpart lacks.
Unlike her older self, Bridgette isn't a vegetarian as she is seen eating a ham sandwich as shown in "A Ninjustice to Harold."
Bridgette's ponytail holder is blue, rather than white like in the main series.
A stark contrast to the other children, who retain certain aspect of their original series' stereotypes, Bridgette isn't a surfer like her older self.
Her pants are fully blue and not in different colors from her older self.
Bridgette has had the least amount of focus out of the main cast, having only been focused on in threeepisodes with one of them being centered around this very issue.