Chef hears the sound of an explosion.
Chef's not surprised that his car got destroyed again.
Chef wonders how did his car get destroyed this time.
Beth melted a toy car with a magnifying glass..
.. so the kids wanted to see if the same trick would also work on a real car.
The kids, as they try to melt down Chef's car.
"It sounds like my all-bacon breakfast." - Owen
Duncan blames the sun for what happened to Chef's car.
Chef pretends to be mad at the sun.
Duncan's surprised that Chef isn't more angry.
The kids destroyed Chef's car too often for him to get mad.
The kids don't remember ever destroying Chef's car..
Chef reminds the kids of all the times they wrecked his car.
None of the kids listened to what Chef said.
"Sorry, were you talking to us?" - Harold to Chef
Duncan still thinks that they never destroyed Chef's car before.
Duncan thinks that Chef is just making stuff up.
Owen gets so scared by Chef that he stops talking.
The kids still don't remember ever wrecking Chef's car.
Chef asks the kids if they remember the sound he's making right now.
The sound Chef just made is actually Harold's ringtone.
Duncan tells Chef that they will try to wreck his next car too.
Owen asks Chef if he ever tried parking somewhere else.
Chef gets really angry at the kids.
Chef wants to buy a cinder block, which is an indestructible car.
Chef goes to buy yet another car.
Chef wants to order the cinder block this time.
The car dealer asks Chef if he's sure he wants to buy a cinder block.
The car dealer shows Chef..
The car dealer gives Chef a hammer to test the car out.
Chef hits the car but nothing happens to it.
Chef buys the cinder block.
The kids find out that Chef bought a new car.
The kids' reactions to Chef's new car.
Duncan asks Chef what did he buy this time.
Beth considers this to be the ugliest car she has ever seen.
Chef lets Duncan destroy his car.
.. which surprises Duncan.
Duncan's reaction to Chef giving him the permission to destroy his car.
Harold tells Duncan to be careful.
Duncan throws a rock at the car, but nothing happens to it.
Duncan hits the car with a bigger rock, but still nothing happens to it.
Duncan thinks that Chef just replaced all the rocks with fake rocks.
Duncan tries to paint on the new car, but the paint falls off.
Duncan hits the car with a baseball bat.
Duncan's angry that the car still looks brand new.
Chef activates the car's defense system.
"BOOM is the sound my car, won't be making." - Chef to Duncan
Duncan thinks that he's losing his bad kid rep.
Duncan lies to the others about Chef so that they will help him out.
Leshawna thinks that Chef was just talking about Duncan.
The kids decide to help Duncan out.
Duncan notices that the car is acting different this time.
Leshawna gets angry at the car.
The car sends Leshawna flying.
"Ok mom, I'm gonna go lie down." - Leshawna
The kids will try to destroy the car from a distance.
The kids use the magnifying glass again to destroy the car.
The car destroys the magnifying glass.
The car attacks the kids.
Chef finds out that his car is trying to destroy the kids.
Chef tells everyone to run for their lives.
Chef tells everyone to get into the castle.
Chef needs his keys in order to stop the car.
Chef wants one of the kids to go after his keys..
.. which angers them all.
Chef finds his keys, but he still can't stop the car.
Chef asks the car dealer how can he stop the cinder block.
Chef loses all hope when he hears that nothing stops the cinder block.
Chef comes up with a plan.
Duncan calls Chef a coward.
Harold warns everyone about the car.
The kids think that they'll be safe as long as they stay in the treehouse.
The car releases some beavers in order to cut down the treehouse.
The kids think that they're going to die for sure this time.
Duncan realises that the car is after him, so he decides to sacrifice himself in order to save the other kids.
Duncan, as he slides down the slide.
Duncan gets saved by Chef.
Chef bought another cinder block.
Chef tells the car to get away from his kids.
The cinder blocks destroy themselves.
Duncan calls Chef his new hero.
The kids go practice destroying stuff so that they can be as cool as Chef one day.