Total Drama Wiki

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Total Drama Wiki
Tko 100x75

Cartoon Network TKO (Titanic Kungfubot Offensive) was a crossover game, which featured Total Drama Action, produced by Cartoon Network. The game was first released in early 2009 but was removed from the site in 2015.


Each character in the game had an individual special attack that inflicted more damage than regular attacks, so you would have a lot of choices to conquer your opponents and win the fight.

The only two playable characters from Total Drama in Cartoon Network TKO were Duncan and Chef Hatchet. They were both added on June 20, 2009, right after the premiere of Total Drama Action on Cartoon Network.

Duncan's special attack was stomping on the ground, causing rocky spikes to rise up and injure his opponent. Chef Hatchet's special attack was throwing a sink at his opponent.


As of 2010, the player could earn badges for their profile by achieving certain objectives within the game. One of the badges featured Chef and Duncan together. It could have been earned if the player won a game playing as both Duncan and Chef.


Cartoon Network shows that had aired new premieres and episodes from 2007-2010 were all represented by characters in the game. These shows are: Adventure Time, Chowder, Ben 10: Alien Force, Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, Generator Rex, Johnny Test, The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack, Sym-Bionic Titan, The Secret Saturdays, and Total Drama.


See also[]

Total Drama games
Total Drama Island Total Drama Island: Totally Interactive!
Total Drama Action Best. Game. Ever. | The Big Picture | Wheel 'O' Secrets
Total Drama World Tour Chomp Sewey | Drop of Shame (app) | Flight Simmerator (app) | H-Bomb's Killah Beatz | Oh No U Di'n't!!! | Splat! Oberfest | Total Drama Freezer Burn (app) | Total Pandamonium (app)
Total Drama: Revenge of the Island Toxic Targets
Total Drama All-Stars Longboard Run | Rain of Terror
Total Drama: Pahkitew Island Toss Like A Boss
Total Drama Island (2023) Total Drama Island: Take the Crown
Total Drama Island (2024) Total Drama Island: Extreme Rescue Mission
Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race 'Donculous Dash (app)
Total Dramarama Total Dramarama: Sick Tricks
Cartoon Network Cartoon Network TKO | FusionFall