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Total Drama Wiki

Gwen is frustrated by Beth's silly belief that cartoons are real, but they visit an animation studio and discover that Beth is right!


When the episode starts, it shows a show called 'Chinchilly', a cartoon about a chinchilla getting into antics. We see him interact with a bucket he thinks has a lobster in it. he shakes it just to make sure, but the lobster didn't move. He puts the bucket on his head only to get pinched all over. While letting out a yell, he starts to stumble back off the beach, which turned out to be a studio he falls out a window. Gwen questions such a setting mock-up, announces her hatred for Chinchilly and turns the TV off, much to the disappointment of the others, especially Beth, who is a Chinchilly superfan. Gwen informs Beth that Chinchilly's not real, and Chef, overhearing this, decides to take the class to the animation studio that works on Chinchilly.

At the studio, Gwen wants to wait on the bus, but Chef won't allow it. The group meets the tour guide, Brightly. When Gwen asks her if Chinchilly ks real, Brightly starts acting funny while answering that he's not. Chef wants to show the kids the animation staff, but Brightly decides to start the tour by showing them violent Chinchilly scenes that were removed from TV broadcasts. One cartoon in particular shows Chinchilly juggling chainsaws. We only hear the audio of the cartoon. Gwen likes the gore, but still hates the show. Chef really wants to meet the staff, but Brightly shifts the tour down to the toy line. While the other kids go kff, Beth wants to find Chinchilly, worried he got hurt in that chainsaw scene. Eager to see Beth's hopes shattered, Gwen decides to tag along.

In the toy storage unit, Brightly shows off Chinchilly merchandise to the kids and lets them take a toy from the box of rejected toys. Owen puts on a Chinchilly hat and everyone wants it, starting a fight and knocking some of the merchandise over. This forces Chef to pay for the damage with his card.

Meanwhile, Gwen and Beth come across a mysterious door and hear someone laughing. Beth believes it must be Chinchilly.

Next on the tour, Brightly shows the kids a slide down to the first floor, but it's not to be used. Nonetheless, Cody goes down it and slams into the wall, making Brightly make Chef pay for the damage.

Back with Gwen and Beth, they find another door that a guard is protecting. He unintentionally reveals that the studio used a portal to pull Chinchilly from his world into ours and forced him to make cartoons forever. When he gets a call about Cody's accident and leaves, the girls enter the room to find none other than Chinchilly himself. Beth is elated and Gwen is flabbergasted that he's real. He tells them it's his last day of filming "again". For the past five years, they said he would be going back to his world, which he believed. Gwen believes this mean he's a prisoner, which Chinchilly suddenly realizes, and he starts crying which causes the ground to be filled with his tears. Gwen realizes the portal is behind that mysterious door they passed by earlier.

Chef, displeased with the tour due to the accidents, demands that Brjghtly show them the animation staff. Brightly tries to tell them it's not wise to do so, but then notices Beth and Gwen are gone and places the rest of the class under studio security until they're reunited. Fed up with being pushed around, Chef tells the other kids to attack the studio. During the attack, Brightly gets caught in the wreckage of the slide and warns the guards to protect Chinchilly.

Gwen tries to get into the portal room by entering the passcode, but gets it wrong every time. So, Chinchilly decides to blow it open with a stick of dynamite. Once inside, they find the portal. But before Chinchilly can escape, Brightly, having escaped the slide wreckage, corners them. Beth begs Brightly to let Chinchilly go back to his world. Even if his show would end, it would be wrong to hold him against his will making more episodes. After seeing Chinchilly's misery, Brightly is convinced and sets the coordinates back to his world. As Chinchilly says his goodbyes, he falls down the stairs and into the portal. Gwen wonders that the studio could just use the portal to extract another cartoon character, thus continuing the cycle. Beth throws a fire extinguisher at the control panel to destroy it, but this causes the portal's inhalation to be too great and pulls Beth, Gwen and Brightly in before exploding.

Now, all three of them are trapped in Chinchilly's world. While Beth and Brightly are perfectly fine with it, Gwen, on the other hand, is not. She begs the viewers who happen to be watching Chinchilly's show to get her out because everything is made of rainbows, but her pleas go ignored as the show is turned off.


Max does a parody of Frankenstein. His creation (used by lightning and laboratory table) is actually a pizza pie, which he dines on afterwards.


Voice actor Role(s)
Deven Mack Chef Hatchet
Sarah Gadon Beth
Wyatt White Cody
Lilly Bartlam Gwen
Darren Frost Harold
Katie Crown Izzy
Cory Doran Guard
Scott McCord Owen
Stephanie Anne Mills Brightly
Lyon Smith Chinchilli
  • Max appears in the ending credits, however, he has no lines.



  • Gwen's jaw-dropping reaction was recycled from that during her first look at her egg chair modification from An Egg-stremely Bad Idea.



  • The portal used to bring Chincilly from the cartoon realm resembles a Stargate.


  • The entire episode's focus was on Beth believing that cartoons are real. However in Invasion of the Booger Snatchers, Beth was the one who told Harold that "cartoons and comics are not real".


See also[]

Total DramaRama Season 2 episodes
Glove Glove Me Do | Robo Teacher | The Tooth About Zombies | Lie-Ranosaurus Wrecked | An Egg-stremely Bad Idea | Exercising the Demons | Pudding the Planet First | Supply Mom | Mooshy Mon Mons | Student Becomes the Teacher | Beth and the Beanstalk | The A-Bok-Bok-Bokalypse | Pinata Regatta | A Dame-gerous Game | Royal Flush | Total Eclipse of the Fart | Dissing Cousins | For a Few Duncans More | He Who Wears the Clown | Us ‘R’ Toys | Dream Worriers | Grody to the Maximum | Wiggin’ Out | The Upside of Hunger | Fire in the Hole | Ghoul Spirit | Duncan Carving | Tu Ba or Not Tu Ba | Dude Where's Macaw | Way Back Wendel | Stingin' in the Rain | Cartoon Realism | OWW | Gobble Head | Me, My Elf, and I | Snow Country for Old Men | Jelly Aches | Simply Perfect | Baby Brother Blues | Space Codyty | Snack to the Future | The Gold and the Stickerful | Bad Seed | A Fish Called Leshawna | Double Oh Beth | Duncan Duty | Encore'tney | Life of Pie | AbaracaDuncan | Shock & AWW | School District 9