The final seven go to China for a visit to the Great Wall. Tension since the last episode between four of the contestants continues and another plans to establish the connection between himself and another. The newcomer allies with a staff member and another cheats in a challenge to assist her alliance, but during the food buffet challenge, they are both foiled by their mutual enemy, and then both are voted off in a tie, and sent home simultaneously due to budget cuts.
The episode opens with Duncan and Courtney in first class, while a feral-looking Ezekiel is trying to get his hands on the wedding cake they won in the previous challenge, which is on the table. Duncan approaches Courtney in an attempt to make amends, only to be met with the silent treatment.
![]() Duncan |
“ | Don't get me wrong, I'm really enjoying the silent treatment, but it's starting to get old. With Owen gone, I lost a vote I could count on, so I figured making nice with Courtney wasn't a bad idea. | ” |
Blaineley offers Chef Hatchet a television deal, thus beginning another illegal alliance.
In response to Duncan's smooth talk, Courtney shoves him head-first into the cake and triumphantly walks away, munching a slice of cake. Over the plane's PA system, Blaineley advertises the opportunity for the contestants to make an alliance with her, stating that the alliance is not legally binding and can be canceled at any time. Blaineley turns to Chef and asks if he'd be willing to help out a contestant, to which he refuses, and she remembers that he won't because he was caught helping DJ last season, so in order for him to accept, she manipulates by suggesting a TV deal to Chef if he helps her.
In the economy-section, Cody mopes about the fact that Sierra thinks the two of them are married now due to what happened last episode, wondering if Sierra can make him have kids. Alejandro sides with Sierra, but Heather, needing Cody for an alliance, tries to help Cody out by telling him that being forthright with Sierra will get her to back off for good.
The contestants are lined up in front of the Great Wall of China. Before a cell phone call interrupts Chris's explanation of the competition, he gets as far as saying the contestants must race along the wall. The contestants race off after they misinterpret a signal, missing out on vital information about the challenge. Chris lets them go, figuring this will just make things more interesting. As they run, Heather tells Cody to get the rickshaw while they race, but Blaineley says it isn't hers yet. Heather, annoyed, tells Blaineley to stop breathing on her neck or to get a mint, prompting Blaineley to smack her in the face.
![]() Blaineley |
“ | I would like to send a shoutout to my personal trainer, Bonnie, for making me do all those sprints, you rule! Sorry for calling you waste of skin, you know that was just the adrenaline talking. Also, big ups to my hand-to-hand combat instructor, Butchie! You are not a roid monkey, no matter what I said! | ” |
Each contestant grabs a different mode of transportation to help them on their journey. Blaineley gets first to the rickshaw, asking for her "alliance buddy" to help her. Duncan rides the bicycle, thinking he has an advantage, after Alejandro manipulates him so he can use the skateboard.

Duncan and Alejandro race on top of the Great Wall of China.
![]() Alejandro |
“ | A small price to pay for Duncan's loyalty. What I forgot to mention is that I won a gold medal at the South American Skate Olympics. | ” |
Courtney rides her tricycle over Heather's foot, Cody climbs the donkey with the help of Sierra, who uses a pogo stick, and Heather is forced to wear traditional Chinese wooden sandals, which Blaineley finds amusing. Duncan and Alejandro race neck and neck down the wall, until Duncan hits an explosive booby trap. Cody finds his donkey stubbornly not moving, while Sierra hops behind and around him. He tries to "break up" with her, but she focuses on the fact that he said he liked her. Sighing, he spurs on the donkey, which accidentally kicks Sierra off the Great Wall of China and through the roof of a Chinese tea store. After telling her sad story to the elderly Chinese lady, Sierra is given a bag of Love-Me Tea, with the promise that the more she drinks, the more Cody will love her.
Courtney gets the tricycle's wheel stuck in a crack of the wall, and Alejandro suggests to Duncan that they should stop and help her. Duncan, on the other hand, thinks it'll be entertaining to watch her suffer for a while, but Alejandro believes she'll help him in return, so he assists her.Once she is free, she does offer to return the favor later. The three of them race off for the finish line, but Courtney hits another booby trap and goes flying backwards past Chris in a helicopter. Alejandro and Duncan arrive at the finish line almost simultaneously, only to discover that there is no prize for first place; instead, whoever crossed the finish line first gets to join Chris for a "special" lunch, which is the next part of the competition. Cody and Heather finish shortly afterwards, and Blaineley "somehow" got to the finish line before all of them. When Cody sees Sierra approaching, he prompts Chris to ring the gong, which would signal that the race is over. However, Sierra makes it over the line barely soon enough, making Courtney the only one ineligible to compete in the next half of the challenge.
In the Chinese restaurant, the contestants learn that they will be served local dishes, such as deep-fried grasshoppers, Kung Pao larvae — the grossest Chris can find, which makes Alejandro gag. After that, Courtney arrives, which relieves Alejandro. She claims she is loaded with anger because she landed in a pig pen and was snouted, to which she responds that it's a good thing she has a strong stomach, which Alejandro appreciates, so he turns to Courtney for help in the challenge as he can't tolerate disgusting food.
![]() Alejandro |
“ | I've been dreading the eating competition because my body is my temple, and what temple-keeper would contaminate this? | ” |
Blaineley, being allied with Chef, is served slightly different food (that is actually edible) than the other contestants. Throughout the challenge, the contestants have to sing a song. Cody is eliminated when he thinks that the donkey meat served first is his new friend Ace, the donkey. Heather is then eliminated when she finishes the next food item last. Then Duncan is eliminated when Sierra beats him in finishing a starfish.

Courtney is forced to wear a lion dancer's mask due to her cheating.
Blaineley, Alejandro, and Sierra are the only contestants left in the challenge. It is at this point where Heather takes notice that Blaineley is the only one being given actual foods instead of the same disgusting meals everyone else has to eat, as well as Alejandro constantly bending over when each meal is served, meaning he's been passing the foods over to Courtney. To appease her, Chris has Sierra and Blaineley switch bowls of food, and Courtney is forced wear a large mask to prove that she can keep her mouth shut. Courtney exclaims that this treatment of her is ridiculous. Both cheaters can't stomach the thought of eating the gross dish and vomit before they even taste it, while Sierra finishes her bowl, winning invincibility and the opportunity to take Cody with her to first class along with her Love-Me Tea.

As a result of budgetary constraints, both Blaineley and Courtney are eliminated.
The votes are in, and they are evenly divided between Courtney and Blaineley, with three each, since Cody is the only one who voted for Sierra, despite her immunity. Courtney is confident that she can take Blaineley in a tiebreaker, since she is excellent in them, but since Chris has been getting calls from the producers, hounding him about the show's budget, he decides to eliminate both of them instead.

Blaineley exposes several things, including the fact that the producers wanted her to host the show, instead of Chris.
Courtney once again promises to sue the show, adding a lawsuit against Duncan for defamation. Meanwhile, Blaineley spills information about all the remaining contestants: Ezekiel is still hiding on the plane, Cody votes for Sierra every time they are at an elimination Ceremony, Heather and Alejandro have an obvious crush on each other, and that she was picked over Chris to host the show before she said no. Before Blaineley can continue on that last bit of information, Chris angrily pushes both contestants off the plane.
In first class, Sierra splashes the tea over herself, which makes Cody light-headed. Sierra realizes he's having an allergic reaction and jabs him with an EpiPen. In the cockpit, Chris discusses with Chef the serious ramifications of Blaineley's actions, though it was not her alliance with Chef, but that Chris was second-pick that annoyed Chris the most. Chef, looking nervous, quickly assures Chris it was false and Chris was a better host. With this thought weighing on his mind, he signs off the episode, to Chef's approval.
Exclusive clip

The Chinese woman throws a hammer at Courtney's face.
![]() Courtney |
“ | How can you not have a tiebreaker for a tie? (sigh) Seriously, I mean, what more proof do you need that the show is fixed?! Well, at least I seem to have lost Blaineley… and Duncan the goth kisser. Getting away from him? Almost worth this indignity. (screams, crashes into Chinese woman's ceiling) Hi, do you speak English? Manman chi? | ” |
Voice actor | Role(s) |
Christian Potenza | Chris |
Marco Grazzini | Alejandro |
Carla Collins | Blaineley |
Clé Bennett | Chef Hatchet |
Peter Oldring | Cody |
Emilie-Claire Barlow | Courtney |
Drew Nelson | Duncan |
Rachel Wilson | Heather |
Annick Obonsawin | Sierra |
- Ezekiel makes another cameo appearance, where he is trying to steal some of Courtney's wedding cake, but he has no lines.
- A Chinese woman has lines. However, it is unknown who voiced her.
Elimination Ceremony
Because Chris didn't allow a tiebreaker challenge, both Blaineley and Courtney were eliminated together, tying for 6th place.
Elimination Ceremony 14 | |
Status | Contestant |
WIN | ![]() Sierra |
IN | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Alejandro, Cody, Duncan, Heather |
OUT | ![]() ![]() Blaineley & Courtney |
Still in the running
- This episode reveals that the ringtone on Chris's cell phone is the show's theme song, "I Wanna Be Famous."
- The food that the contestants ate during the cuisine challenge include donkey meat, live mealworms, roasted starfish on a skewer, and one unknown dish containing tentacles and eyeballs.
- The food served to Blaineley is sightly more edible versions of the food everyone else gets
- The character in the tea bag is "心," which is read as "xin," which means "Heart."
- The final three contestants in the eating challenge are also the three newcomers to the show.
- This is the only episode to feature Blaineley in her swimwear.
- Much like in "Top Dog" (Action), Courtney is seen alone in the exclusive clip despite being eliminated via double elimination.
- This is the last speaking appearance of Blaineley in the season and series overall.
- This is the only episode of the season in which a character who debuted as a contestant in Total Drama World Tour is voted off the show.
- Sierra was disqualified in "Awwwwww, Drumheller," and Alejandro was a finalist in "Hawaiian Punch."
- However, Sierra was actually voted out in "Rapa Phooey!" and Alejandro was voted out in "Awwwwww, Drumheller"; however, the former episode turned out to be a reward-only episode, sparing Sierra from elimination, while Alejandro was saved due to Chris ignoring the votes in favor of personally eliminating Sierra.
- Sierra was disqualified in "Awwwwww, Drumheller," and Alejandro was a finalist in "Hawaiian Punch."
- This is the only episode of Total Drama World Tour where there are an even amount of former Screaming Gophers (Cody and Heather) and former Killer Bass (Courtney and Duncan).
- This is the last episode of Total Drama where Ezekiel is seen wearing his toque and has a full set of hair.
- This is the second double elimination of the season, and the fourth in the series overall.
- The others being: "Alien Resurr-eggtion" and "Top Dog" (Action), and "Jamaica Me Sweat."
- However, this is only the second time that the two contestants are eliminated at the exact same time.
- This is also the second time that Courtney leaves in a double elimination.
- Additionally, this is the first time that the two people eliminated were of the same gender; in this case, both were females.
- This is also the only double elimination in which both are eliminated due to a tie in the votes.
- The others being: "Alien Resurr-eggtion" and "Top Dog" (Action), and "Jamaica Me Sweat."
- This is the second episode in which Chef forms an illegal alliance.
- The first is "Riot on Set" with DJ.
- However, unlike last time, this alliance was the contestant's idea.
- This is the second time the EpiPen has been used.
- The first is in "The Am-AH-Zon Race," when Gwen used injected herself accidentally.
- This is the fifth eating challenge to appear in the series.
- "If You Can't Take the Heat...", "Brunch of Disgustingness", and "Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon" in Total Drama Island.
- "The Chefshank Redemption" in Total Drama Action.
- "Eat, Puke and Be Wary" in Total Drama: Revenge of the Island.
- "Food Fright" and "Sundae Muddy Sundae" in Total Drama All-Stars.
- "Hurl and Go Seek" in Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
- When Alejandro is talking to Heather about marriage, the tune of Condor is heard.
- With Courtney's elimination, this marks the third time where Duncan is the last Killer Bass in a season.
- Sierra references Sally Field's speech for winning the Academy Award when she says, "You like me. You really like me."
- The local food-eating challenge parodies cultural eating challenges from Survivor, where contestants are also given local delicacies, such as larvae.
- Duncan's line "If annoying you is wrong, I don't want to be right" is a reference to the song lyric to the song "(If Loving You Is Wrong) I Don't Want to Be Right."
- At the elimination ceremony, just before Blaineley tells the others about Ezekiel being on the plane, the straps on her high heels are missing.
- In the remastered version of the episode, the « Written By/Directed By » text is written twice, before Duncan’s confessional and after it.
- The color of Alejandro's food is different when Heather looks under the table; instead of the usual sickly green color, it is teal.
- When Courtney is given the mask from Chris to wear so she doesn't cheat for Alejandro, her hair is fixed and there are no more dirty smudges on her face.
- Sierra's 'Love-Me Tea' was never on the restaurant table until the second part of "A Chinese Lesson."
- Duncan's spiked collar disappears when he is riding his bike next to Alejandro.
- Courtney is also incorrect when she states that there were dinosaurs in eight million B.C. (which is in the Miocene period), as the last known dinosaurs were extinct in sixty-six million B.C. (during the Cretaceous period).
- When Cody talks to the donkey before it kicks Sierra off the Great Wall, his right hand is drawn with his fingers coming from his wrist.
- When Blaineley takes over the episode recap, her pupils go missing upon saying the word "lights."
- While lying about his sensitive stomach, both of Alejandro's bracelets have black stripes.
- Just before he rips his shirt off, Alejandro's left bracelet looks like his right one.
- When Cody questioned the food in the first part of the challenge, his position made it look like he was sitting on the far left, despite being in-between Blaineley and Sierra.
- When Chris announces that it's time to sing, Sierra and Heather are missing from their seats.
See also
- "Walk Like an Egyptian—Part 1"
- "Walk Like an Egyptian—Part 2"
- "Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan"
- "Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better"
- "Broadway, Baby!"
- "Aftermath: Bridgette Over Troubled Water"
- "Slap Slap Revolution"
- "The Am-AH-Zon Race"
- "Can't Help Falling in Louvre"
- "Newf Kids on the Rock"
- "Jamaica Me Sweat"
- "Aftermath: Revenge of the Telethon"
- "I See London..."
- "Greece's Pieces"
- "The EX-Files"
- "Picnic at Hanging Dork"
- "Sweden Sour"
- "Aftermath Aftermayhem"
- "Niagara Brawls"
- "Chinese Fake-Out"
- "African Lying Safari"
- "Rapa Phooey!"
- "Awwwwww, Drumheller"
- "Hawaiian Style"
- "Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles"
- "Hawaiian Punch"