Total Drama Wiki

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Total Drama Wiki
Total Drama Wiki

After believing he's turned Chef to stone, Duncan sets his sights on ultimate chaos only to discover there's no joy in victory without an adversary.



As Chef works on the computer a knock comes at his office door. He answers and meets a large Slimey!


Voice actor Role(s)
Deven Mack Chef Hatchet
Sarah Gadon Beth
Emilie Claire Barlow Courtney
Drew Nelson Duncan
Lilly Bartlam Gwen
Darren Frost Harold
Katie Crown Izzy
Scott McCord Owen





  • This episode's title is a reference to the 2003 American movie, School of Rock.
  • Gwen's idea of using a kite to attract lightning is a reference to the popular kite experiment conducted by Benjamin Franklin.
  • After being struck by lightning, the Chef statue loses its arms, making it resemble the Venus de Milo.



See Also[]

Total DramaRama Season 3 episodes
Gumbearable | Whack Mirror | Broken Back Kotter | Weekend at Buddy's | MacArthur Park | Last Mom Standing | Carmageddon | Sugar & Spice & Lightning & Frights | Breaking Bite | I Dream of Meanie | Squirrels Squirrels Squirrels | Say Hello to My Little Friends | WaterHose-Five | Cody the Barbarian | TP2: Judgement Bidet | Dial B for Birder | A Hole Lot of Trouble | A Tall Tale | Chews Wisely | A Dingo Ate My Duncan | Erase Yer Head | Teacher, Soldier, Chef, Spy | Thingameroo | CodE.T. | Quiche It Goodbye | Ice Guys Finish Last | Trousering Inferno | The Big Bangs Theory | Gwen Scary, Gwen Lost | Mad Math: Taffy Road | Bearly Edible | Not for the Paint of Heart | Daycare of Rock | Aches and Ladders | The Tree Stooges Save Christmas | Cactus Makes Perfect | Virtual Reality Bites | The Opening Act | Van Hogling | Ticking Crime Bomb | Knit Wit | The Fuss on the Bus | The Cone-versation | Oozing Talent | Senior Sinisters | Be Claws I Love You, Shelley | Total Trauma Rama | The Doomed Ballooned Marooned | Legends of the Paul | A Bridgette Too Far | A Very Special Special That's Quite Special