Total Drama Wiki

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Total Drama Wiki

Duncan takes advantage of a questionable Halloween legend to steal candy from his classmates.


TBA Duncan claims that he would've gotten away with his trick if the classmates didn't do something and demands for them to get him out. Beth demands that she and the others want their candy back, to which Duncan replies that the candy is in the treehouse. After the kids run into the treehouse to get their candy back, Duncan admits that he should've smashed the pumpkin when he still had the chance. After he remembers the pumpkin and asks where it is, Carvin Marvin appears right in front of Duncan and clears his throat, causing Duncan to scream. TBA


Gwen and Duncan tunnel from the daycare and end up right in a vampire coven, complete with a coffin which opens to reveal a vampire that scares Duncan but befriends Gwen. They proceed to play while hanging upside-down.


Voice actor Role(s)
Deven Mack Chef Hatchet/Carvin Marvin
Sarah Gadon Beth
Wyatt White Cody
Emilie-Claire Barlow Courtney
Drew Nelson Duncan
Lilly Bartlam Gwen
Katie Crown Izzy
Scott McCord Owen





  • There are several references to the Scooby-Doo franchise:
    • The episode's plot involves Duncan taking advantage of people's fear of a character from an urban legend and dressing up as said character to frighten others and steal their belongings, much like most of the culprits in Scooby-Doo.
    • Like the culprits of Scooby-Doo, Duncan is defeated after falling for a trap.
    • The kids' reaction when they unmasked Duncan is similar Scooby and the gang's reaction when they find out who the culprit beneath the mask is. During this scene, Owen's face turns into the titular dog.
    • After he is unmasked, Duncan quotes that "he would've gotten away with eating the kids' candy if it wasn't for those meddling classmates", referencing the iconic line spoken by the culprits of Scooby-Doo when they are caught.



See also[]

Total DramaRama Season 2 episodes
Glove Glove Me Do | Robo Teacher | The Tooth About Zombies | Lie-Ranosaurus Wrecked | An Egg-stremely Bad Idea | Exercising the Demons | Pudding the Planet First | Supply Mom | Mooshy Mon Mons | Student Becomes the Teacher | Beth and the Beanstalk | The A-Bok-Bok-Bokalypse | Pinata Regatta | A Dame-gerous Game | Royal Flush | Total Eclipse of the Fart | Dissing Cousins | For a Few Duncans More | He Who Wears the Clown | Us ‘R’ Toys | Dream Worriers | Grody to the Maximum | Wiggin’ Out | The Upside of Hunger | Fire in the Hole | Ghoul Spirit | Duncan Carving | Tu Ba or Not Tu Ba | Dude Where's Macaw | Way Back Wendel | Stingin' in the Rain | Cartoon Realism | OWW | Gobble Head | Me, My Elf, and I | Snow Country for Old Men | Jelly Aches | Simply Perfect | Baby Brother Blues | Space Codyty | Snack to the Future | The Gold and the Stickerful | Bad Seed | A Fish Called Leshawna | Double Oh Beth | Duncan Duty | Encore'tney | Life of Pie | AbaracaDuncan | Shock & AWW | School District 9