Total Drama Wiki

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Total Drama Wiki

When a severe screen addiction turns the kids into lazy deadbeats, Chef brings in a professional to whip them into shape.




Izzy follows a squirrel. When she meets up with Owen, Noah, and Beth, she turns out to be an Android controlled by a real squirrel, much to their horror.


Voice actor Role(s)
Deven Mack Chef Hatchet
Wyatt White Cody
Emilie-Claire Barlow Woman in commercial
Katie Crown Izzy
Bahia Watson Leshawna
Cory Doran Noah/Commercial guy
Scott McCord Owen
Nicki Burke Abs
  • Beth appears in the ending credits, however, she has no lines.
  • Don appears, however, he has no lines.



  • Chef refers to Cody as "Cody Anderson",  making this the first time a character gets called by their first and last names. This is also the second time in the franchise that Cody's surname is mentioned since its reveal in Walk Like an Egyptian—Part 1.
  • Abs's design outline is similar to that of Eva's.
  • Not counting Izzy's team switch, a llstudents who appear in the episode were members of the Screaming Gophers.



  • Chef tells Cody "You are a sad, strange little man". A quote from Buzz Lightyear in the very first Toy Story movie.
  • Chef mentions having a gaming system called an "Arcade Guy", a reference to the Game Boy.
  • The title is a reference to the phrase "Exorcise The Demons"


  • After Owen's fart deflated the school's new utility ball, the kumquats on Leshawna's shirt disappear.


See also[]

Total DramaRama Season 2 episodes
Glove Glove Me Do | Robo Teacher | The Tooth About Zombies | Lie-Ranosaurus Wrecked | An Egg-stremely Bad Idea | Exercising the Demons | Pudding the Planet First | Supply Mom | Mooshy Mon Mons | Student Becomes the Teacher | Beth and the Beanstalk | The A-Bok-Bok-Bokalypse | Pinata Regatta | A Dame-gerous Game | Royal Flush | Total Eclipse of the Fart | Dissing Cousins | For a Few Duncans More | He Who Wears the Clown | Us ‘R’ Toys | Dream Worriers | Grody to the Maximum | Wiggin’ Out | The Upside of Hunger | Fire in the Hole | Ghoul Spirit | Duncan Carving | Tu Ba or Not Tu Ba | Dude Where's Macaw | Way Back Wendel | Stingin' in the Rain | Cartoon Realism | OWW | Gobble Head | Me, My Elf, and I | Snow Country for Old Men | Jelly Aches | Simply Perfect | Baby Brother Blues | Space Codyty | Snack to the Future | The Gold and the Stickerful | Bad Seed | A Fish Called Leshawna | Double Oh Beth | Duncan Duty | Encore'tney | Life of Pie | AbaracaDuncan | Shock & AWW | School District 9