Total Drama Wiki

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Total Drama Wiki

While trying to photocopy his butt on Chef’s fancy new copier, Duncan accidentally makes an entire other Duncan. Great! This other Duncan can do all the school stuff while the real Duncan chills.


As the kids (mostly Owen) is excited that today is Pizza Tuesday, Chef revealing that he's excited too but not with the Pizza but rather he bought a new photocopier and warns them that's off-limited to everybody but him. To make matters worse Chef revealed that Pizza Day was cancelled this week in order for him to buy the copier and instead handed the kids copies of a picture of a pizza.

While the kids (and once again, mostly Owen) became disappointed that they wouldn't get a chance to eat Pizza this week, Duncan decide to get payback on Chef by photocopying his butt on the machine and replacing it with a framed photo of Chef's mother, but because of the numerous buttons, Duncan started bashing the panel (and squirting it with grape juice) and activated the machine, causing it to create a clone of Duncan (this one with a reverse hair pattern). This gave Duncan an idea; for the clone to take his place during story time while the real Duncan goofs off. Later at the treehouse, Duncan #2 approaches Duncan and tells him that he wants to have fun too, so Duncan created another clone (this time one with black hair) and dubbed him Duncan #3 and had him do the boring stuff like finger painting.

As Duncan continue to play video games and eat candy, he discovered that Duncan #2 has created four new copies (a Tall one, a black and white one, one with no legs and one that looks normal but is actually dumb) and are named Duncan # 4.1 - 4.4 and to make matter worse, Duncan #3 causes a bit of chaos by throwing finger painting all over the daycare. as Chef prepared to call Duncan's parents, Duncan switched with #3 and begged Chef to not call them, which he agreed (only because since Duncan's parents are Bananas & Cheese, They'll sing about it and Chef doesn't want to hear them singing again)

Back in the treehouse, Duncan informs the clones that they need to be careful about their actions in the daycare and from now on, Duncan is in charge, with the other deciding to turn against him and tie up. Meanwhile, Beth notices that a lot of Duncans are in the daycare and figured out that Duncan used the copier to make clones of him and the clones make copies of themselves. As Chef prepared to use his copier, he notice all the Duncans as they begin to cause trouble in the daycare. As Duncan and Beth witness the chaos, Both tries to figure out how to stop the Duncans, with the original realizing they have one thing in common.

Back inside as the Duncans tied up everybody and prepared to drop a anvil on them, Original Duncan and Beth arrive as Duncan asked the clones what the one thing they all want in common, which they all realize what it is and headed outside as the one thing they all want is to escape from the daycare, which they manage to do (while creating a perfect tunnel) As all the Duncans started going crazy in the city.

Afterwards Chef admit while he would normally be angry at Duncan for what he did, he decide to bring back pizza day since he saved them, which he'll order one pie then use the copier to make numerous copies to save money, Which Owen said he's prepared to fight the pizza army. Beth then said while the Duncans are destroying the city, she's glad everything is back to normal until she realize that the Duncan she is with is the dumb one, meaning the real one is among the clones who is destroying the city, to which she brushes it off.


Beth feeds a goldfish to a crocodile, Izzy and a couple of squirrels stuff their mouths with acorns, Jude hugs a chicken, Chef feeds a chameleon, Cody gets chased by a werewolf, and at last, Noah waves his pizza slice to Owen who acts like a frog.


Voice actor Role(s)
Deven Mack Chef Hatchet
Sarah Gadon Beth
Drew Nelson Duncan
Katie Crown Izzy
Bahia Watson Leshawna
Cory Doran Noah/Commerical voiceover
Scott McCord Owen
  • Cody and Jude appear in the ending credits, however, they do not speak.





  • The title is a reference to the 1965 film, For a Few Dollars More.
  • Chef saying "Hold the Door, Hold the Door… Hodor" is a reference to Game of Thrones.
  • Duncan plays with a style of the Nintendo Switch.



See also[]

Total DramaRama Season 2 episodes
Glove Glove Me Do | Robo Teacher | The Tooth About Zombies | Lie-Ranosaurus Wrecked | An Egg-stremely Bad Idea | Exercising the Demons | Pudding the Planet First | Supply Mom | Mooshy Mon Mons | Student Becomes the Teacher | Beth and the Beanstalk | The A-Bok-Bok-Bokalypse | Pinata Regatta | A Dame-gerous Game | Royal Flush | Total Eclipse of the Fart | Dissing Cousins | For a Few Duncans More | He Who Wears the Clown | Us ‘R’ Toys | Dream Worriers | Grody to the Maximum | Wiggin’ Out | The Upside of Hunger | Fire in the Hole | Ghoul Spirit | Duncan Carving | Tu Ba or Not Tu Ba | Dude Where's Macaw | Way Back Wendel | Stingin' in the Rain | Cartoon Realism | OWW | Gobble Head | Me, My Elf, and I | Snow Country for Old Men | Jelly Aches | Simply Perfect | Baby Brother Blues | Space Codyty | Snack to the Future | The Gold and the Stickerful | Bad Seed | A Fish Called Leshawna | Double Oh Beth | Duncan Duty | Encore'tney | Life of Pie | AbaracaDuncan | Shock & AWW | School District 9