Chef introduces a new addition to the playground..
The kids are not sure what to think about the gnomes.
"Just look at his face. He's a Steve!" - Chef
Chef thinks that it's nice to finally have something little and cute around the daycare.
Leshawna gets offended by Chef's comment.
Before buying them, Chef got a serious warning from the salesman.
The salesman tells Chef to never ever take the hats off the gnomes, or else something dangerous will happen.
Leshawna stops Jude from taking the hat off of Steve.
Duncan tells Jude that he can swap hats with Steve.
Jude calls Duncan a genius.
Jude puts Steve's hat onto his head and turns into a statue.
The kids' reactions to Jude turning into a statue.
By taking the hat off of him, Jude accidentally awakes Steve.
Steve kicks Courtney's and Beth's ankles.
Harold says that he totally saw that coming.
Steve kicks Harold's ankle.
Harold's reaction when he sees..
.. Steve taking the hats off of the other gnomes.
Harold tries to revert Jude back to normal but fails.
Steve tells the kids that unless they put the hats back on the gnomes, Jude will remain a statue forever.
Steve puts a hat on Harold.
The kids' reactions to Steve putting a hat on Harold.
Harold turns into a statue.
Steve throws a hat on Beth to free Blinky.
Beth turns into a statue.
The last remaining gnome is now also free.
The kids hide from the gnomes in the castle.
Leshawna thinks that they should put the hats back on the gnomes.
Duncan thinks that Jude is at fault for everything that happened.
Courtney corrects Duncan and tells him that it's his fault that the gnomes are now free.
The kids notice the gnomes causing havoc in the daycare.
Duncan thinks the gnomes are awesome.
"If anyone knows how to get their hands on accessories, it's me!" - Leshawna
Owen tries to stop Blinky from scuba diving in the sink.
Owen gets attacked by a shark.
Courtney tries to stop Winky from hanging on the ceiling.
Blinky farts on the oven.
Cody tells Blinky that he's not supposed to fart on the oven.
Cody gets attacked by a living toy.
Duncan says that he hasn't seen this level of destruction since make your own cake day.
The gnomes want Duncan to join their gang.
Duncan thinks joining the gnomes would be like a dream that he never thought he had.
Leshawna gives Duncan a hat.
Duncan puts the hat on Leshawna.
Leshawna turns into a statue.
Steve tells Duncan that they should take care of Chef first.
Duncan tells Chef that everything is fine and there's no need for him to check on them.
Courtney tells Duncan that they need to inform Chef about what's happening.
Cody gets attacked by living pudding cups.
"I can't believe i'm losing a fight to pudding cups." - Cody
Courtney decides to go tell Chef about the gnomes herself.
Duncan puts a hat on Courtney.
Courtney turns into a statue.
Duncan teams up with the gnomes to turn all of the other kids into statues..
Duncan turns Cody into a statue.
Owen also gets turned into a statue.
Chef thinks there's no need to check on the kids since Duncan told him that everything is fine.
Duncan notices that the gnomes turned the treehouse into a cookie factory.
Steve tells Duncan that they will turn the kids into cookies.
Duncan wonders why would the gnomes turn the kids into cookies.
Steve tells Duncan that they will turn the kids into cookies to eat them.
Duncan thinks that Steve is just pranking him.
Steve shows a video to Duncan that proves that he isn't pranking him.
Winky and Blinky turn Cody..
Duncan's reaction to Cody turning into a cookie.
Steve tells Duncan that he better not be switching teams.
Duncan tells Steve that what's not cool is him never getting Jude's hat.
Duncan reminds Steve that Jude was supposed to trade with him.
Duncan puts Jude's hat onto Steve's head.
Duncan tricks Steve and turns him back into a statue.
Winky and Blinky also get turned back into statues by Duncan.
The kids get turned back to normal.
Duncan tells the kids that everything's fine now.
Chef wonders what happened to the daycare.
Chef gets attacked by the toy Blinky turned alive.
Duncan admits that it was him who took the hats off of the gnomes.
Chef gives the gnomes back to the salesman.