One of the kids accidentally got gum stuck on a queen's hair on an important day and must figure out how to get the gum out while avoiding the teacher for breaking a sacred school rule. Meanwhile, another kid is also caught in a sticky situation.
The episode starts with Beth blowing a piece of gum, until it pops. Chef hears the gum and hopes that it's not gum. Beth spits the gum out of her mouth turning it into a butterfly and pretends she didn't chew any gum when Chef comes. Then Cody comes around touching the bubblegum butterfly only to get himself stuck. Later, Leshawna comes around looking like a queen. Owen thinks it's Picture Day, but even though it's not, Harold makes Owen's hair dry. Beth asks why Leshawna is all dressed up, and Leshawna says it's her granny's birthday and says that every year she gets out of school early to have family photo at the Stake n' Bake. Owen says that Leshawna won't play with them because she'll get her dress dirty, but she says "no", though she'll still play with the kids. A mud ball almost runs into Leshawna's face, though she stops it by staring at the mud, thus throwing the mud back at the kids.
While Beth is in the vents, she chews her bubblegum and makes a strawberry smell out of her mouth after chewing the gum. Chef notices the smell and already knows that it is gum. Chef tells the class except Beth even though she's not here to let the kids know the number 1 rule in the daycare. Harold says "no flushing toys down the toilet", Owen says "No more pooping in the sandbox", and Gwen says "no autopsies" but neither of those are the number 1 rule. It's "no gum in school". Bridgette asks Chef why he hates gum so much, and in a flashback, the reason why Chef hates gum is because when he sits on gum, his pants get torn, when there is gum on the road, his car stops on the gum and reverses backwards quickly, causing him to crash, and when he sees DJ, Trent, and Katie blow the gum into big bubbles, they don't pop and the bubbles just carry them away, and only one of them was ever seen again. Chef tells the kids that when he finds the child with gum, he'll make him or her sit in the timeout corner forever where he can keep an eye on them, like Paul.
Beth falls out of the vents, but she doesn't want Chef to catch her chewing gum. Beth spits out the gum and pretends nothing happened. Beth tells Chef she was looking for the gum chewer in the vents. She then finds the gum she spat on Leshawna's hair, without Leshawna noticing it. Beth starts screaming and says that she broke Leshawna's clean streak, and that she should've swallowed it and asks what happens if people swallow gum. Gwen says when people swallow gum, it says. into their digestion for 6 years, then a gumtree starts growing and them they die. Beth tries to tell Leshawna what happened, but says she will tear her into a gum hole, and a flashback shows how Leshawna acts when she doesn't get her way. Beth takes the gum off of Leshawna's hair, with the alligator stick, and then hides when Leshawna screams when she sees the gum in her hair. Beth says that she has to confess and tell Leshawna it's her fault, and think that this is something they should laugh about in their weddings, and afterwards, there will be cake. Meanwhile, Cody is still stuck in the gum that Beth put on the wall and asks the squirrel if he's here to help him. Then, Leshawna is in the bathroom looking at the gum and wondering how she can get it out to fix her hair. Her hair somehow had made more gum. Leshawna tells Beth what she will do to the person that put gum in her hair. Beth is now imagining herself in the "Gum Dungeon", where she doesn't find to be bad, until Paul reminds her about the dragon that lives in it.
Chef finds and old gum under the lunch table. Owen finds the gum Beth threw in the trash can. But remembers that Chef said "no gum in school", but then thinks to himself that Chef didn't say "no gum in his mouth", despite no gum in school and no gum in anyone's mouth are both the same. Later, Beth attempts to get the gum out of Leshawna's hair again, only to fail every time. Beth uses ice (which she thinks is gum's mortal enemy) to get the gum out of Leshawna's hair, but it didn't work either. Later, when she put peanut butter ice cream, lemon juice, tape, apple cores, and a dead bird, Leshawna says her fancy family photo is ruined and complains about what a disgusting blob her hair has become. Beth thought that combination would work and Leshawna is now worried that her granny will be so sad, and finds out that the only thing that will make her feel better is finding out who gummed her head. Cody is still stuck in the gum with even more gum than he had before, but this time with birds trying to help him while the squirrel is also stuck. Beth and Leshawna find Owen and Leshawna is mad at him. Owen asks Leshawna what happened to her hair, and blames Owen for putting gum in it even though Owen's gum is still in his mouth. Owen asks what the gum dungeon is and Leshawna says it's a stinky old dungeon with a big scary dragon who eats gum chewers for breakfast and shoots fire out of his butt. Owen doesn't want to be in the gum dungeon and Leshawna says he should've thought of that before he put gum in her hair. Beth now feels bad than she ever did before. Chef is surprised by Leshawna's hair and blames Owen again just like she did when she and Beth found him.
Beth says Owen didn't do it and says she spat the gum in Leshawna's hair saying it was an accident. Leshawna tells Beth if she ruined her fancy family photo and pretending she didn't, but no because she was telling the truth and apologizes to Leshawna. Gwen fixes Leshawna's hair and has a new hair style, making her scream causing the windows to break. In the confessional, Beth thinks that the best way to earn forgiveness is by having someone to mess up even worse. Izzy gives Leshawna a mirror and Leshawna accepts her new hairstyle. Chef tells Beth that instead of going to the dungeon, she'll have timeout for half an hour on the timeout corner with Paul. The episode ends with the kids and Chef going outside to play while Cody ends up getting stuck in the gum for the rest of the episode.
Harold does magic with his hat once more. First, Beth pops her head out, followed by Gwen, and then Cody. Finally, another Harold jumps out, attacks the original, and stuffs him in the hat.
Voice actor | Role(s) |
Deven Mack | Chef Hatchet |
Sarah Gadon | Beth |
Kristin Fairlie | Bridgette |
Wyatt White | Cody |
Drew Nelson | Duncan |
Lilly Bartlam | Gwen |
Darren Frost | Harold |
Katie Crown | Izzy |
Bahia Watson | Leshawna |
Scott McCord | Owen/Paul |
- Child versions of DJ, Katie, and Trent from the original Total Drama series make a brief appearance.
- This marks the first time in the franchise where Katie is seen without Sadie.
- This is the first time where Leshawna is not seen wearing her normal clothes.
- Leshawna's mother in this continuity bears close resemblance to Leshawna's teenage self from the main series.
- Beth remembered the time Leshawna threw a temper tantrum in The Date.
- This episode continues the franchise's long running gag of characters losing their hair.
- Chef first mentioned that is gum not allowed in the daycare in Aquarium for a Dream.
- Leshawna's Jack Squat toy from Sharing is Caring makes a brief appearance.
- Cody is heard humming "Tethered Together" from That's a Wrap while Leshawna threw a temper tantrum.
- The title of the episode is a reference to the 1994 movie, Dumb and Dumber.
- While searching for gum, Chef wears a deerstalker hat, a hat mostly associated in the present with the famous literary detective, Sherlock Holmes.
- The resturant Owen mentioned, Steak and Bake, is a reference to Steak and Shake.
- Beth appears in the mud-throwing scene. However Beth got away from the kids in the previous scene and in the vent in the next scene.
- In addition, Harold is not seen at all in the mud-throwing scene, while Beth is.