- View this page for his Total Drama counterpart.
Harold is one of the children attending Happy Tots Daycare Centre.
Like his older self, Harold is nerdy and awkward but still rather intelligent. He studies and takes being a ninja seriously, to the point of believing he should be the only one in the daycare.
Total DramaRama season 1[]
In Venthalla, Harold joins Owen, Duncan, Courtney, Jude and Izzy in a mission to recover Owen's Uber Ball. He is able to recover his pirate toys, and is happy to play with them again. In the end they are all cought by Chef Hatchet.
In Duck Duck Juice, Harold notices Izzy and Jude's sugar rush. He, along with the other kids, tries to keep them calm until Chef comes back.
In Cluckwork Orange, when the mobile petting zoo arrives to the daycare, Harold gets caught by the spiders, unaware of the danger he is in. Playing with blocks, he creates a "ninja headquarters", which is destroyed by Jude's chicken friend. Harold tries to fight back, but Nugget strikes first, defeating him.

Harold thinks the chili dog inside Owen's lunchbox is an alien.
In Free Chili, Harold mistakenly believes Owen's chilli dog with a walkie talkie inside is an alien invader. He and Jude fight over what to do with the alien, with Harold recruiting Izzy to interrogate it and keep it away from Jude, thinking it wants world domination.
In Aquarium for a Dream, Harold is one of the children who keeps killing Richard Swimmins and it's lookalikes. He is upset at Chef when he finds out the truth.
In Cuttin' Corners, Harold is given a corner piece of Izzy's cake, and that makes other kids jealous. Beth is about to attack Izzy, but Harold stops her. Eventually, the kids forget about the cake and start a food fight.
In Sharing is Caring, Harold is amused by Courtney's Extreme-a-Saurus, but gets annoyed when she refuses to share it.
In Germ Factory, Harold follows Duncan's idea to get ill by licking up germs. He ends up getting sick and is unable to attend the daycare the following day.

Harold wants Owen to take care of his pet sandwitch.
In Cone in 60 Seconds, Harold is his first customer who asks Owen to take care of his sandwich pet. Owen beats it to death, forcing Harold to take back his money. He joins all the kids in an adventure trough the city to find the ice-cream truck so Owen can buy a cone.
In The Bad Guy Busters, Harold is asked by the "The Bad Guy Busters" to be a villain, but he refuses.
In That's a Wrap, Harold and the class go to a museum. He gets really scared when a real mummy tries to attack Courtney.
In Tiger Fail, Harold plays the quiet game hoping he can beat Gwen, who wants tiger tail flavored ice-cream instead of chocolate like everyone else. He is the fifth toddler eliminated.

Harold competes against Beth to see who is the best class ninja.
In A Ninjustice to Harold, Harold suffers an identity crisis when Beth shows potential to be a ninja and everyone praises her for it. He decides to challenge her for the title of "class ninja" and she accepts when he insults her bee costume. During the Class Ninja Battle Challenge Royale, he ends up losing in every event and forfeits before taking on the last challenge, only for Beth to concede the title to him stating she never wanted it. While the two make up however, Harold ends up going through the last obstacle by accident and survives much to the amazement of his friends, though his fears start all over again when Bridgette shows quick reflexes worthy of making her a ninja.
In Having the Timeout of Our Lives, Harold gets mad at Owen after his bad behavior. He is later invited to Owen and Duncan's secret game center, and has a good time.
In Hic Hic Hooray, Harold, Beth, Cody and Leshawna sing a Christmas song in order to surprise Bridgette and help her with her hiccups.
In Bananas & Cheese, Harold and most of the kids are super excited when Bananas & Cheese go to the daycare. He enjoys their songs.
In Not Without My Fudgy Lumps, Harold tries to help Owen in a mission to get his fudgy lumps back.

Harold gets his ninja toy back from Beth's nose.
In Snots Landing, Harold tries to pick Courtney's couch out of Beth's nose, but is unsuccessful. When Beth sneezes, he is able to get his ninja toy back.
In Know it All, Harold agrees with Duncan that Courtney is too bossy.
In From Badge to Worse, Harold plays with Duncan and Owen, and recieves a friend badge from Courtney.
In Snow Way Out, Harold gets angry at Owen after his snowsuit keeps ruining things for the kids. He is worried when the new class pet Lenny is missing.
In All Up In Your Drill, Harold is tired of Courtney's bossy attitude after she is declared the class fire fighter. He is happy when Duncan takes that role, but still ends up following Courtney's orders when he thinks there is a real fire inside the building.
In Toys Will Be Toys, Harold, Jude and Owen want to help Courtney create a viral video. After she rejects them, the boys form their own team and are quite succesful. Harold has a hard time as he has to do some pretty dangerous stuff.

Harold pretends to be an alien.
In Invasion of the Booger Snatchers, Harold gets ready for photo day, until he notices something weird with Chef. Harold warns Izzy and Beth about brain snatcher aliens, and they join forces to stop them. He uses hairspray to save Beth from an alien. Working together with Izzy, he is able to save almost every kid.
In Wristy Business, Harold feels bad for Beth when she shows up with an injured arm, and he and the other kids treat her well trough the day. Then the same happens to Leshawna. Later he finds out both of them were faking their injuries.
In Melter Skelter, Harold follows Beth's lead and joins Cody and Leshawna in trying to get rid of old toys, in order to get a new "Everything Horse". He ends up trapped in the basement.
In There Are No Hoppy Endings, Harold and the kids blame the stuffed animal "Hoppy" for everything they do. His evil robot destroys the daycare's playground, but he blames it on Hoppy.
In Too Much of a Goo’d Thing, Harold is impressed with Beth's slime. He ends up being eaten by it, but is eventually released by accident when the slime monster is destroyed.

Harold without his glasses.
In The Price of Advice, Izzy sees Harold without glasses, and tells him to ditch his glasses so that the world can see his pretty eyes. Harold takes her advice, but is unable to see properly. He falls off a building, and hugs a bear inside a zoo, not knowing what he is doing. Then he comes back to the daycare and tells Izzy that he got mauled by the bear.
In Mother of All Cards, Harold is tricked by Chef into making a card for Mother's Day, since he forgot about it. Harold competes against his friends in trying to create the best card. When Chef confesses the truth, he is shocked.
In Soother or Later, Harold is delighted when Princess Ephemera shows up to the school. During a thunderstorm, Harold and the rest of the kids get scared when the lights go off.
In Camping is In Tents, the class go to a camping trip. Harold stays at camp and starts putting traps for Bigfoot, with the help of his friends. But the only thing he ends up catching is his teacher.

Harold tries to hypnotize Duncan.
In Mutt Ado About Owen, Harold believes he can hipnotize anyone. Duncan has doubts, and he dares him to show off his skills. Harold is happy when it seems to work, but turns out Duncan was just pretending to be hipnotized. Then he notices Owen behaves like a dog. Harold join forces with Beth in an effort to find Owen, after he escaped from the daycare. They convince MacArthur to give Owen back, and take him to the school again. Owen admits he was pretending to be a dog, but turns out Harold actually managed to hipnotize Chef, as he was acting like a chicken.
In Driving Miss Crazy, Harold is amazed by Beth's bees, until Duncan shows up with an amazing bike. He is present in the race of Duncan and Jude.
In Apoca-lice Now, Harold and the kids are against getting lice, and protest outside Chef's office. He joins his friends and decides to fight with water guns against a giant lice monster. He gets lice on his head, but later shaves his hair.
In Gnome More Mister Nice Guy, Harold is turned to stone after some lawn gnomes go wild. He is about to become a cookie, but is saved by Duncan.
In Look Who's Clocking, Harold warns Duncan that if he moves the clock ahead, anything from the past or future could appear in the daycare. Duncan does it anyway, and causes a caveman, a mummy, and a dinosaur to appear. The kids run in fear. Harold teams up with Duncan, and with a little help from Gwen, they manage to save the day.

Harold has a horrible day.
In Harold Swatter and the Goblet of Flies, Harold gets frustrated with Owen when he thinks he found a magic wand. Harold claims that he doesn't hate magic, but knows it's fake. He ends up trapped outside the daycare, while the kids believe Owen turned him into a fly. He has the worst day of his life, until he is finally able to tell Owen that his wand was just a stick.
In Stink. Stank. Stunk., Harold, Izzy, Beth and Duncan join forces with Chef when he is being chased by a skunk. They are not able to help him, as Chef gets sprayed by the animal.
Total DramaRama season 2[]
In Glove Glove Me Do, Harold gets upset when Owen ruins Beth's painting about him. He tries to help out Owen when he discovers he has evil gloves.

Maude gives Harold a time out.
In Robo Teacher, Harold is happy when Duncan tells him that there are no more rules since Chef is gone. He freaks out when he discovers his new teacher; Maude is actually a robot and puts him in timeout with Owen and Beth.
In Lie-Ranosaurus Wrecked, Harold thinks Owen is a real dinosaur, and he join forces with Beth. They try to save Izzy from the dinosaur, putting some traps. When he is about to attack, Owen reveals that it was just a costume.
In An Egg-stremely Bad Idea, Harold plays some music while Izzy and Owen redecorate Gwen's chair. He is terrified when Gwen starts screaming.
In Pudding the Planet First, Harold and some kids line up in Chef's office to poop in his desk. He gets scared when a giant pooding ball is about to destroy the planet, but it only destroys Chef's new car.
In Student Becomes the Teacher, Harold and Courtney try to take care of Chef after he starts acting like a baby.

Harold goes crazy.
In Royal Flush, Harold's tummy makes strange noises. Noah helps him get inside Chef's new private bathroom. Harold gets stuck inside the bathroom, and starts to go crazy. He draws a face on a toilet paper and names it "Mr. TP". He then tries to flood the bathroom in an effort to get out. It works, but he ends up losing his friend TP.
In Total Eclipse of the Fart, Harold is shocked to learn that Leshawna caught the fart fairy instead of the tooth fairy. When the fart fairy starts to die, Harold and the rest try to revive him by farting, but only Leshawna can save him.
In Dissing Cousins, Harold competes with Beth, Owen and Duncan in a minion competition made by Max. Things get pretty intense, as every test is more dangerous than the last one. Owen saves Harold when he is about to fall over a pool of toxic waste. He is terrified to find out Ella can transform into a massive dragon.

Thanks to Owen, Harold is not scared of clowns anymore.
In He Who Wears the Clown, Harold is terrified when his dad sends a clown to the daycare for his birthday. When Owen is tricked by Floppo and is transformed into a clown, Harold freaks out and tell the other kids, but they all find Owen funny. Later on, Harold tries to help Owen get back to normal, but fails. Thanks to spending time with Owen, Harold realises that he's not scared of clowns anymore.
In Dream Worriers, Harold is worried when Izzy can't remember the ending to her dream, thinking she has yawnstipation. Using his dream pod, he sends Owen, Bridgette and Leshawna inside Izzy's dream. In the dream, he appears as a talking sandwich. Duncan ruins his machine, and he loses comunication with his friends. But after he repairs it, Harold is able to bring them back... apparently.
In Grody to the Maximum, Harold, Beth, Duncan and Leshawna are impressed when a "new kid" shows up at the daycare with a cool shirt. Courtney tries to tell them that it's really Cody, but they don't believe her. Harold and the rest cheer for him after he goes lion jumping, but are dissapointed to find out it was Cody after all.
In Ghoul Spirit, Harold is shocked to find out that Gwen bought an actual ghost.

Duncan and Harold hack a videogame to help Chef.
In Dude Where's Macaw, Harold and Duncan make fun of Chef's old video game. After Beth beats the teacher in a modern game, Harold and Duncan want to help Chef get his revenge. They hack the game and bring the cyborg pineapple to life. The pineapple terrorizes the kids, but they are saved by Chef.
In Way Back Wendel, Harold and the rest of the kids are unable to beat Courtney in a challenge. When a kid from the past shows up, everyone start turning black and white. Harold and the others are saved by Courtney in the end.
In Cartoon Realism, Harold and the kids enjoy the cartoon "Chinchilli", and get excited when they visit the animation studio. They get to watch cartoons and play with toys. After Chef gets frustrated, he orders Harold and the kids to fight against the guards.

Harold gives Duncan an appreciation card.
In Gobble Head, Harold and the kids make appreciation cards for each other. When a killer cyborg turkey appears, Harold is scared and tries to hide. He goes to the basement with Chef, Gwen and Izzy. The killer turkey is defeated by Chef.
In Jelly Aches, Harold starts fighting with his friends after Gazunga, the jealousy troll shows up at the daycare. He ends up getting a 2 week long time out.
In Simply Perfect, Harold, Beth, Duncan and Owen are surprised to learn that a school tester will be arriving soon. After Courtney uses the brain strain 3000, he becomes dumb. Courtney and Gwen try to educate their friends, but fail.
In Snack to the Future, Harold, Izzy and Gwen join Owen in a journey to travel trough time. However, after Owen pushes random buttons, they end up in the past. Chef's ancestor gets angry at Harold and his friends for disrespecting his mayor, and shoots the kids out of a catapult. They are saved by Owen.
In The Gold and the Stickerful, Harold and his friends make a mess of the daycare, so Chef implements a new system that award them stickers once they do something right. Courtney becomes obsessed with it, even hurting her friends, so Harold and the rest come up with a plan to stop her.

Harold shows his friends that mermaids are real.
In A Fish Called Leshawna, Harold tells the kids that mermaids are real, and how to become one. He revelas Chef was a mermaid once. When Leshawna turns into one, she asks Harold and Courtney for help. They take her to the sea and evade the military, but in the end, Leshawna decides to be a human.
In Duncan Duty, Harold, Izzy and Leshawna make a deal with Chef in exchange for chocolate milk, but they were just playing him.
In AbaracaDuncan, Harold performs a magic show for the class. Beth and Cody are impressed, but the others not so much. Later, he makes Duncan "disappear". While he tries to get Duncan back, the bad boy tricks everyone into thinking that Harold's magic is dangerous. The kids get upset and are about to kill Harold, but Duncan saves him and admit that it was all his fault. Everyone gets a time out by Chef.
In Shock & AWW, Harold and the kids get angry at Courtney after she replaces the school's carpet with a new one, and creates her own rules. When they find out the power of static electricity, they challenge Courtney, are are able to get the old carpet back.
In School District 9, Chef's career predicting machine says Harold will be an interpretive dancer. When aliens show up at the school, Harold shows them his dance moves, but they don't like it. He is later saved by Owen.
Total DramaRama season 3[]
In Whack Mirror, Harold and the rest of the kids get angry at Cody and Beth when their clones attack them.
In Weekend at Buddy's, Harold accidentally takes part in destroying Cody's new best friend doll.

Harold gets stuck to the grass.
In MacArthur Park, Harold and his friends get scared when an alarm sounds. They get out of the daycare, and find themselves glued to the grass. MacArthur shows up seeking revenge, but Harold and the others don't remember who she is. In the end, MacArthur drops her revenge thanks to Cody.
In Carmageddon, Harold, Duncan, Owen and Beth destroy Chef's car. The teacher reminds them of all the times his car got destroyed, but none of them remember. Later, Harold tries to help Duncan destroy Chef's new car, but the car ends up attacking them all. They are eventually saved by Chef.
In Sugar & Spice & Lightning & Frights, Harold, Owen and Cody get really impressed when Lightning shows up at the daycare. They believe he is the coolest kid, which frustrates Duncan. They witness a cool-off between the two kids.
In Breaking Bite, Harold notices that Beth didn't actually bite Duncan. When the kids treat her well out of fear, Harold speaks to Beth and tries to get the truth out. She refuses to listen so Harold calls Janet, a legendary biter. In the end, he helps Beth in her battle and the truth eventually comes out.
In I Dream of Meanie, Harold wakes up from his nap thanks to Cody's screams. He gets trapped in a water bubble. Later, he shows off his dream machine. In order to fix Cody's nightmares, Harold sends Gwen and Duncan inside his dreams.

Courtney asks Harold for help.
In Squirrels Squirrels Squirrels, Harold and the kids seem to enjoy Chef's dangerous games, until Courtney ruins their fun. When a squirrel steals Courtney's mind-control device, she asks Harold for help. Harold tries his best but is easily caught by the squirrel, and gets turned into a rodent.
In WaterHose-Five, Harold and the rest of the kids get frustrated when the air conditioner breaks. He sides with Sugar and decides to disobey Chef and use the hose to fill the pool. This causes a war between Sugar's group and Courtney's group.
In Cody the Barbarian, Harold is excited to find out that Cody's late uncle was Larry Console, a videogame creator. He joins Cody's team to enter a live action videogame. He is smart and tries to keep the team together. He gets upset with Leshawna when she betrays the team. Harold fights her, but both of them are defeated by a knight. They are sent back to the real world.
In TP2: Judgement Bidet, Harold, Beth and Owen are frustrated after there is a toilet paper crisis in the city. They get upset at Chef when they find out he's been hiding some of it. When Sewer Mike steals the last toilet paper, Harold and his friends go down the sewers. They try to help the alligator but fail.

Sugar and Harold performing.
In Dial B for Birder, Harold gets hurt during Sugar's talent show. Chef takes him to the hospital, and Harold comes back to the school with a bandage all over his face. During the day, he suspects something is wrong with Chef's new parrot Tommy. He goes to the police, and MacArthur helps him find some evidence. Back at the daycare Harold takes off his bandages and reveals the truth to his teacher, but it looks like Sugar has already defeated the evil bird.
In A Tall Tale, Harold, Courtney and Bridgette are disgusted to see Owen "taller" thanks to his head's ridiculous height. When a man from the Zoo tries to take him away, they join forces with Noah to become "taller" too. In the end, Chef sells all the kids to the Zoo man.

Harold sinks in gum lava.
In Chews Wisely, Harold and the rest of the kids get excited when Chef gives them a new car, but is disappointed after the teacher blows it up. When trying to practice for a bubble gum contest, he has some trouble with Beth and Sugar's bubble gum "abilities". After the school is flooded with gum, he tries to seek help from Gwen, but is ignored.
In Erase Yer Head, Harold is surprised when Duncan acts nice and doesn't try to ruin his invention. Later on, Duncan goes back to normal and gets agressive with Harold.
In Teacher, Soldier, Chef, Spy, Harold is seen having lunch with Owen, until Chef steals his food. He is later crushed by a weird acting Chef. Duncan and Beth ignore Harold and keep torturing him too.
In Thingameroo, Harold and the kids need motivation in order to train for the Sportslete Athlaction Awards. After Owen, Lightning and Izzy create a mascot, all the kids are terrified of it. They learn to love it, but in the end, it proves to be a waste of time, as none of them could past the school test.

Harold is determinated to help Cody contact his home planet.
In CodE.T., he explains to Lightning and Sugar that Cody is an alien. When Cody starts acting weird, Harold and Izzy want to call to his planet, but Courtney disagrees. They take Cody to a human doctor, and then they take him to Area 51. Harold and his friends go inside the facility. They are chased by aliens. When Harold is about to call Cody's planet, Courtney sabotages the plan. Cody finally contacts his planet, and Harold and the others go inside the mothership. They get the help they needed. Harold and Izzy are then seen carrying Chef out of Area 51.
In Trousering Inferno, Harold finds out Izzy's backstory and real name, and discovers she has an arch nemesis called Pants on Fire. When she is kidnapped, Harold asks for help to the Bad Guy Busters. Their friends try to help Izzy but fail. Harold disguises himself a an extinguisher, but it proves to be a failure. In the end, Izzy reveals that she used Harold for her plan.

Harold is tricked by Duncan.
In The Big Bangs Theory, Harold and the kids get bored by Chef's safety video. When the teacher forgets the password of his computer, they try to help him. Harold suggests the password might be "magnified", judging by a past school accident caused by Duncan. It does not work.
In Gwen Scary, Gwen Lost, Harold and the rest of the kids are tired of Chef's mediocre Halloween pranks. When Chef closes the school, they all go into a castle. Harold and the rest of the kids follow Gwen's master plan. He recieves Chef's call and plays a part in scaring the teacher.

Harold meets his future self.
In Mad Math: Taffy Road, Harold is playing in the sand box when a future version of himself appears. Future Harold takes Courtney to the future and shows her the mess she caused. When they finally revert the situation, he suggests her to be friends with present Harold. Back in the daycare, she tries to be friendly, but present Harold gets frustrated with her.
In Bearly Edible, Harold and his friends are excited to get new snacks, but are disappointed when Owen brings low-budget cookies. Determinated to make them better, Harold uses magic, which makes things worse by giving life to the cookies and turning them into Bear cookies. In the end, Owen saves his friends.
In Daycare of Rock, Harold and his friends are excited when Chef announces a surprise. After they believe their teacher turned to stone, they try to do everything to bring him back to life. Harold tries using magic but fails.
In The Tree Stooges Save Christmas, after Chef's Christmas tree is destroyed, Harold goes on an adventure with Beth, Leshawna and Owen. They travel all over the world. Harold uses his shrink ray to shrink the world's landmarks for the tree ornaments. In the end, they save the other kids in the North Pole, but shrink the real Santa in the process.
In Cactus Makes Perfect, Harold is seen being bullied by Duncan. He joins his friends and tries to stop the friendship between Cody and a cactus.
In Virtual Reality Bites, Harold is excited to show off his muscles to his friends. Duncan, Owen, Izzy and Beth laugh at him. Harold gets frustrated and uses toilet paper to pretend he has big muscles. His plan fails, and he decides to throw all the paper in the toiler, which causes the school to blow up. Forced to take online classes with a VR system, Harold is not happy. He finds a way to hack it from home, forcing everyone to do what he wants. He even creates real muscles for him, and forces everyone to watch him. His plan comes to an end when Izzy is able to reach Harold's house and teach him an important lesson.
In Ticking Crime Bomb, Harold and Bridgette are seen trying Leshawna and Izzy's talking hat. The hat tells them they are good persons.
- Harold has a gap in his teeth, something his older self lacks.
- Unlike his older self, Harold doesn't have freckles on his face.
- Harold's back hair is short and straight, instead of long and spiky like his older self.
- Harold's eye color has been changed from black to green, and are not dotted when his glasses are removed.
- The hamburger on his t-shirt doesn't have the small details or the stars on it.
- Part of his sneakers are now light blue rather than creme.
- Unlike his older self. Harold's socks are not visible over his sneakers when without pants.
- Unlike his older self, Harold isn't allergic to apples, as he bit into the fake apple, thinking it was real in All Up In Your Drill.
- Among his martial arts techniques, Harold is often seen performing the Kamehameha/Hadouken pose.
- Interestingly, Harold is depicted as being shorter than Noah in this universe despite the opposite being true in the main series, with his teenage counterpart being among the tallest of the original cast while teen Noah was among the shorter male characters.
- According to Brian Froud, he did record Harold's lines for Venthalla, but Fresh TV later told him that he would be recast because they didn't want to hire voice actors who didn't live in Ontario.