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When Cody keeps screaming in his sleep, Gwen and Duncan take a trip into his dreams to see what is scaring him.


The episode begins with the children sleeping at nap time with a crab bubble maker. Gwen is sleeping from a hanging cloud decoration, Jude is sleeping on a skateboard and Owen is sleeping on a pile of stuffed animals. Cody then starts sleeping waking and begins screaming a few steps later. Gwen falls off the decoration and lands on the crab which wakes everyone up and causes Owen to crush Jude while Harold becomes trapped in a bubble and floats away.

Chef rushes in to see Harold float out the window and asks what's wrong and Owen tells him that he thinks Cody is having a nightmare. Izzy becomes annoyed by Cody's screaming and wants to wake him up. Chef tells her that waking someone up during a nightmare is dangerous but allows her after also getting annoyed by his screaming but tells her to do so nicely. Izzy instead hits Cody with a megaphone. Cody says he is well rested and asks if nap time is over while the others are angry at him.

Chef tells him that he was having nightmares and asks if he wants to talk about it with someone... who isn't him. Cody declines saying he wants to keep the terror inside his head. Gwen then tells him that her dream psychology book tells her that the only way to get rid of nightmares is to scare them away. Duncan laughs at the idea of nightmares having nightmares until Gwen hits him in the face with her book.

Gwen says she had a nightmare once. She was dreaming about spooky things such as crows, gravestones and was inside a dark forest when a kitten playing appeared. She managed to scare it away by throwing down a cucumber. Owen then remarks that he is also afraid of vegetables while Lightning is confused over the fact that Gwen was scared over a kitten and Duncan tells him that he'll talk about it later. Gwen then says that while screams usually help her fall asleep, Cody's screaming is ruining nap time for everyone.

Gwen states that she has an idea but will need Harold's help. Harold is then seen floating over the Sydney opera house. Harold is then seen powering up his dream machine and tells the others that he won't bore them with the details of his escape until Duncan interrupts. He tells the others that he needs two volunteers and that there is a 12.3% chance of them being trapped in Cody's nightmare forever and makes Owen scream. Gwen volunteers to go as other people's nightmares don't bother her and that she may get ideas for Christmas presents. Duncan goes as none of the others are willing and says that he is used to messing with Cody's head like the time he gave him bunny ears and told him that they will help him fly. Cody asked how and then a hawk carried him away. Lightning is concerned about the incident and tells Duncan that there is something broken inside him. Gwen says Duncan always messes with Cody's head and asks if they can go now. Harold says Cody needs to fall asleep first and Gwen gets him to by saying it's nap time. Harold then powers up the machine and transfers them into Cody's mindscape.

Gwen and Duncan are teleported into Cody's mindscape and see his nightmare which consists of books flying in the different colored sky and has a stuffed bear and rabbit running around. Gwen finds it a nightmare to her and asks how Cody is afraid. Duncan then spots a picture of himself monsterfied on the school wall and Gwen asks if it looks familiar. Cody then comes running out and the stuffed animals block the door. Gwen asks Cody what's wrong and he asks how she got into his dream until he sees Duncan and screams monster until he realizes its regular Duncan.

Gwen realizes that Duncan is the one giving Cody nightmares and he says she is jumping to conclusions. Monster Duncan calls out for Cody and melts the door with a laser beam, melting the stuffed animals. The animals turn into green goo and Monster Duncan materializes from it. Cody then tells the others to run inside. Duncan is mad that the monster is stealing his act and ignores Gwen when she tries to tell him that it will take more that just a simple scare. Duncan decides to tries special werewolf glasses after testing them on Cody after Gwen questions their effectiveness. Monster Duncan is sharpening with a grindstone and sicks a real werewolf on Duncan. Duncan is eaten by the werewolf and respawns inside. Duncan asks what happened and Gwen tells him that he was eaten by the werewolf while she watched. Cody tells him that they respawn to relive being eaten all over again. Gwen then berates Duncan for not listening, but he decides to try bunny ears on the monster,but the monster transforms into a hawk and feeds Duncan to baby monster birds. Duncan respawns again and asks why it isn't working and Gwen tells him that her book says Cody has to scare the monster away,which upsets Duncan. But Gwen retorts that Duncan didn't listen.

Gwen tells Cody that he needs to stand up to monster Duncan himself. Cody braces himself to go outside but gets scared and jumps into the toy chest after seeing a white moth. Duncan laughs and calls him pitiful but Gwen tells him that in order to stand up to his nightmare, Cody needs confidence, and because of him, he doesn't have any, Duncan then follows Gwen's advice and apologizes to Cody, albeit fakely. When Duncan realizes he needs to hug Cody he decides to try 2 more times with the monster until the monster becomes enraged. Cody is too scared to hug Duncan because he fears he'll play a prank on him.

The monster barges in and Duncan tries running away but a monster pops out of the floor and Richards Swimmings transforms into a monster shark. He becomes trapped in wet cement and is almost run over by a steam roller until Gwen gives Cody a pep talk and convinces him to hug Duncan. Cody then transforms into a superhero and beats up the monster. with Cody's mindscape restored, Gwen and Duncan return to the real world. Chef is glad everything worked out and he had nothing to do with it until Duncan begins screaming in his sleep which wakes everyone up again. Chef wonders what Duncan's nightmare is about and Gwen states that she has a pretty good idea. The episode then ends with Duncan running away from super Cody asking for a hug while begging somebody to wake him up.


MacArthur massages Chef, which is a reused scene from Not Without My Fudgy Lumps.


Voice actor Role(s)
Deven Mack Chef Hatchet
Sarah Gadon Beth
Wyatt White Cody
Drew Nelson Duncan/Monster Duncan
Lilly Bartlam Gwen
Darren Frost Harold
Katie Crown Izzy
Christian Potenza Jude
Kwaku Adu-Poku Lightning
Scott McCord Owen
  • Beth and Jude appear, but they have no lines. However, they can be heard snoring.
  • MacArthur appears in the ending credits, however, she has no lines.




  • The dream machine from Dream Worriers is used again in this episode.
  • In Duncan's nightmare, a banana and cheese can be seen in the background, referencing the name of his parents' band in Bananas & Cheese.


  • The episode title references the fantasy sitcom I Dream of Jeanie.
  • The landscape of Duncan's nightmare is a reference to Salvador Dali's painting, The Persistence of Memory.


  • Duncan doesn't recognize Harold's dream machine despite seeing it before in Dream Worriers.
  • Gwen sighs after Duncan is concerned of not being popular because Gwen's book was all about him. But her mouth isn't open.


See also[]

Total DramaRama Season 3 episodes
Gumbearable | Whack Mirror | Broken Back Kotter | Weekend at Buddy's | MacArthur Park | Last Mom Standing | Carmageddon | Sugar & Spice & Lightning & Frights | Breaking Bite | I Dream of Meanie | Squirrels Squirrels Squirrels | Say Hello to My Little Friends | WaterHose-Five | Cody the Barbarian | TP2: Judgement Bidet | Dial B for Birder | A Hole Lot of Trouble | A Tall Tale | Chews Wisely | A Dingo Ate My Duncan | Erase Yer Head | Teacher, Soldier, Chef, Spy | Thingameroo | CodE.T. | Quiche It Goodbye | Ice Guys Finish Last | Trousering Inferno | The Big Bangs Theory | Gwen Scary, Gwen Lost | Mad Math: Taffy Road | Bearly Edible | Not for the Paint of Heart | Daycare of Rock | Aches and Ladders | The Tree Stooges Save Christmas | Cactus Makes Perfect | Virtual Reality Bites | The Opening Act | Van Hogling | Ticking Crime Bomb | Knit Wit | The Fuss on the Bus | The Cone-versation | Oozing Talent | Senior Sinisters | Be Claws I Love You, Shelley | Total Trauma Rama | The Doomed Ballooned Marooned | Legends of the Paul | A Bridgette Too Far | A Very Special Special That's Quite Special