Total Drama Wiki

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Total Drama Wiki

With only two teams remaining, the host takes the final nine contestants to London, England, where their challenge is to capture a criminal before he catches them. In the end, two criminals are apprehended, bringing one back into the competition, joining a team and giving his captors the victory instead of the original winners. One contestant is too late to discover the evil on his team, and ends up eliminated as a result. Meanwhile, two contestants get reacquainted while a third watches this unravel.



Heather complains about economy class.

The episode opens with all of the remaining contestants sitting in the economy-class section of the Total Drama Jumbo Jet, due to the fact that Chris and Chef required the winner's section of the plane for planning the next challenge. Heather complains about economy class, saying that they won the last challenge and should not be there. Sierra replies that Chris needs first class for a special guest and that "What Chris wants," she begins, but is interrupted by Heather, who finishes her sentence by saying, "Chris takes… From us." Courtney then walks in and sits accidentally in Gwen's hand, which is sunburnt. Gwen blows on her hand to relieve the discomfort, while Courtney apologizes and asks how anyone can get sunburn in just one hand. Gwen admits she has no idea how it happened, and Cody guiltily pulls the collar from his shirt.

The scene then cuts to a flashback to when they were in Jamaica, where Cody has Tyler take a picture of him with Gwen sleeping in a deck chair with an umbrella, and he tells Tyler to include the bikini in the shot. Tyler successfully takes a picture a smiling Cody giving a thumbs-up and a snoring Gwen, the latter nearly waking up, so Cody runs away and accidentally bumps into the umbrella, tilting it, exposing Gwen's hand to the sun, resulting in the sunburn.

Back in the plane, Courtney kindly offers Gwen a bucket of a special mix of green tea and bird guano to soak in to ease the pain, which she does and is relieved, but then asks about guano, to which Heather responds is "A nicey-nice name for poop!" Courtney explains that it is full of healing ingredients and that she learned to do it at C.I.T. first-aid weekend, admitting that the mix is gross but helpful, which Gwen agrees with and thanks her for being "nice-ish." As Courtney and Gwen bond over "poop juice," Heather wonders if there is anyone sane left around, but she looks at Sierra, who is typing on a pizza box keyboard, confirming her suspicion that no one is sane.

Sierra updates her Tweeter by typing, "Gwen's hand smells like Jamaican bird doo-doo. Cody is still cute," but runs out of ideas on to what to type with her remaining characters available. Noah jumps in, mocking Sierra in a high-pitched voice, saying, "Considering buying myself a life on Fredslist but having trouble deciding because they are all such a major improvement," which to Owen is so hilarious that milk comes out of his nose, soaking a grossed out Noah. Owen apologizes, as he says that milk is the only thing that cools off Jamaican scotch bonnet peppers. As Owen eats some more, his mouth burning as he tries to drink milk, Noah continues mocking Sierra, "Must learn how to make nose shakes like Owen. That'll impress Cody!" Owen laughs again, snorting a pepper from his nose before slamming into the wall and Tyler in the face, making Noah laugh. Meanwhile, Alejandro, who is trying to sleep in the bench, is irritated by Noah and Owen's antics, so he leaves economy class by himself to walk around the plane.

Aw, my little buddy Noah is, like, the funniest guy I know, so making him laugh is awesome! It's like getting an A+ in hilarity! I wanna top his honor roll! … Did that sound creepy?
TDWT Alejandro
A nose shake? [sighs] How many more episodes are there?

While walking past the winners' compartment, he overhears that Chris and Chef are talking to a mysterious cloaked man to "take out" the contestants, mentioning that a contestant's death would cause a boost in ratings. A horrified Alejandro tries to hide from their view, but is found by the mysterious figure. Alejandro screams and the screen fades to black.


Chris explains the challenge to the contestants in a bus.

Once they arrive at their destination, the group, minus Alejandro, is forced to parachute to the ground due to Chris not receiving permission to land the plane at their new location. It's also discovered that Chef miscounted parachutes, and they are one parachute short, so Noah is forced to share one with Owen. After landing on the Tower Bridge, the contestants board a double-decker bus, where Chris explains the night's challenge. The challenge is to catch the infamous British serial killer, "Jack the Ripper," who terrorized Victorian England and whose identity remains unknown to this day. He tells them that they will have clues hidden in various locations. Heather then notices that Alejandro is missing, to which Chris reveals that he had already been caught by the killer. Courtney and Gwen sit together and talk. Gwen says she knows a lot about the Ripper, as she did a speech on him on grade six, which Courtney finds useful, and the librarian said that her fascination was morbid and offensive. Heather asks again if they should look for Alejandro, but Courtney dismisses her, stating that the other team should do so. Courtney tells Gwen that her sixth-grade speech was about the Tower of London, and Gwen describes them as a "nerdette dream team."

The contestants then begin the challenge at the Tower of London. Chris announces to the contestants that they need to strip two guards in front of the tower to find a clue hidden in their clothes. The contestants are shocked and disgusted, especially Tyler, who does not want to strip down a guy, but Chris reminds him that they are competing for a million dollars, and he orders them to sing while completing the challenge, so they sing "Changing Guard Mix." Team Amazon is the first to complete the task and obtain their first clue, "Full tot atop a southern spire," so Courtney directs them to follow her, as she knows exactly where it is.

Heather, Gwen, and Courtney head up the tower into the torture chamber, which Courtney claims it is the same room Anne Boleyn lived in before Henry VIII beheaded her. Heather finds the desk to be creepy, but Chef reveals that it's a medieval torture rack with a clue hidden inside, which they'll obtain until they stretch someone inside. When Gwen and Courtney want to make Heather volunteer, Gwen asks if Cody and Sierra would like to join in on the motion, but she notices they're not around. Instead, Sierra and Cody are in another room below, where Sierra is standing in the stairs, demanding a kiss from Cody, who is annoyed and just face-palms. Sierra asks Cody to give her at least just one kiss, in the name of historical accuracy — e.g., when ladies and lords would get sneak out together to kiss and get arrested for being in love in the olden days, according to her — but they are caught by the ripper, leaving six contestants in the challenge.

Meanwhile, Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot is having trouble with the challenge. Noah tells Tyler that he lost to Rock Paper Scissors and that he should stop throwing the game, but Tyler was going slowly because he thought he had to strip the guard with his teeth, which he didn't. Also, Owen is fiddling with the hat, unaware that the clue has been hidden inside it all along.


Heather is tortured on the rack by Gwen and Courtney.

Back in the torture chamber, Heather cries in agony as Gwen stretches her, accusing her of doing it on purpose and insulting her. Courtney sarcastically tells her that every cloud has a silver lining, which both she and Gwen find amusing. Gwen continues stretching her, as Heather demands them to stop enjoying her pain, using foul language. Gwen tries to apologize by asking her if she wouldn't do the same, which Heather considers is not the point. Right as Heather finishes her sentence, they complete the task and get the clue, which Gwen reads, "If your teammate can still use her feet, bring her down for something to eat." Courtney figures it out, saying it is in the banquet hall, back downstairs, off the courtyard. Heather gets up and tries to stand, saying she's fine, but as she stretches, she cracks some bones, making Courtney and Gwen laugh. Heather demands that they tell her she looks taller, to which Courtney responds that she may be a runway model, and Gwen responds with a joke about it being "a stretch."

I know! Courtney! I never thought I'd be able to tolerate her, but she's… dealable? We even have stuff in common, which is, like, the weirdest thing ever! If I tip over the edge and make Courtney-type lists, rack me.
TDWT Courtney
I know! Gwen! She's not completely a social freak after all. Sometimes she's even a good person to have on your team? Sometimes! Y'know, I wouldn't mind going against her in the final two! Obviously I'd still win; she's incapable of making a list!

Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot then goes to the torture device portion on the challenge. They use Tyler and complete the task, as he claimed to be extremely flexible due to his yoga exercises. Tyler starts screaming despite not being stretched yet. When Noah tells Tyler off, Tyler says he will become quiet, "sweaty yoga-ish Monk dude style." During the task, Noah makes some comments about Alejandro, saying he doesn't trust him, as he's like as slippery as an eel dipped in grease swimming in motor oil, comparing him to Heather but with social skills. When they leave, Owen asks Noah if he knows what's hilarious, to which Noah stops as he realizes they forgot Tyler behind, prompting Owen to say, "How is that hilarious?" When they return, they see Tyler is gone, having been captured by the killer.

When Team Amazon gets to the banquet hall, Courtney notices a jewelry case on the table, which she thinks they should go in and get. Heather says the "gal pals" should go in while she guards the door, which Courtney doesn't consider fair, but an irritated Heather says she'll show them fair, referring to the red marks on her ankles. While Heather is on lookout filing her nails, she wonders what is taking her team so long, but the ripper captures her. Meanwhile, Courtney and Gwen can't find the clue when an angry pack of guard-dog corgis appear, so Gwen devises a plan to find something round to use as a shiny ball to command the dogs, asking them to sit, which they do. Courtney asks Gwen how she did that, and Gwen says that she taught her lizards obedience, while spinning the round object, which reveals to have a clue. Once they go outside to tell Heather they were successful, they find out she is missing, getting mildly concerned. Courtney then reads the clue, "The Ripper's most natural place has two levels inside its space. Go use your sack to bring the guy back at the red starting line to the race." Gwen recalls from her speech that they have to head to Whitechapel, where Gwen states Jack the Ripper performed most of his murders.


Noah happily finds the last clue.

Back at the dining hall, Noah quickly finds the final clue to locating Jack the Ripper, and Owen deciphers it to stand for the double-decker bus they arrived in. He and Owen hastily make their way back to it. At this point, Gwen and Courtney are in the only building open in Whitechapel, which happens to be a punk rock club. Inside it, they see someone whom they are surprised to see, yet it is not revealed who it is. Meanwhile, on the bus, the Ripper grabs Noah and locks him in the glass driver's booth. However, Owen is able to capture the Ripper and ties him up in a bag with the aid of the guard dogs from earlier, who are all trying to retrieve a wiener that fell out of Owen's pocket, and Owen celebrates by farting on the Ripper. Owen tries to free Noah, who advises him to wait until the air clears before opening the door.


Duncan unwillingly returns to the game.

Back in the plane, Owen is glad everyone is okay. Heather says that they were all "so stupid" to be worried, and Alejandro says it was reassuring to see that some were "concerned," referring to Noah's comments about him, which worries Noah as he says it is awkward he saw everything. Alejandro repeats Noah's words, "Like an eel dipped in grease," which Noah tries to brush off by saying that where he's from it's a compliment. Owen and Noah show everyone that they managed to catch Jack the Ripper and took him out of the bag revealing that he was Old Man Jenkins but Chris unmasked him revealing that he was Ezekiel (in a malnourished and zombie-like state). Chef reveals that he found him living in the cargo hole filled with rats and Chris explains that he had promised Ezekiel that he could return to the game if he managed to not get caught, but since he was, Chef throws Ezekiel out of the plane. Courtney and Gwen caught "a criminal," who turns out to be Duncan and is then put back in the game as a member Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot. To Noah and Owen's surprise, Chris declares Team Amazon the winners of the challenge for finding Duncan.

The scene shifts to Courtney nagging Duncan about his decision to leave her, which she thought was wrong. She advises him that if he leaves her again, it will not be pretty, asking him for a hug. While Courtney insists she's not angry and that she really missed him, Gwen comes out from the lavatory, whom Duncan stares at her while hugging Courtney. Duncan fakes telling Courtney that he thought of her every time he ran away from the police, when what he really means is that he thought of Gwen.

At the Barf Bag Ceremony, Noah is voted off. Noah shrugs it off, strapping his parachute on and clearly telling Owen about Alejandro, "Beware of eels!" before taking the Drop of Shame. While Noah is seen jumping out of the plane, Ezekiel is seen crouched on the wheels, growling ferociously as Noah falls past him.


Duncan and Gwen's first kiss in the confessional.

(sighs) I don't know how everybody else can sleep, especially Courtney. I'm still fuzzy like I drink too much coffee, you know? 'Cause we won. (chuckles) And Duncan's back, and… he missed… us.

At that moment, Duncan walks in because the lock to the confessional door was broken and, after some brief banter, they begin to kiss. Tyler pops his head in and is shocked, but leaves without a word. In the plane's cockpit, Chris happily wonders how Courtney will feel about this and if Tyler will ever tell her, before signing off the episode.

Exclusive clip


Noah is attacked by eels.

TDWT Noah bw
Okay, I guess I should've seen that coming! Clearly, Ale-drago was threatened by my superior mental agility. I'd be flattered if I wasn't hurtling towards the earth in a budget parachute! Thanks again for that, Chris! (grunts) At least I'm finally free of that slimy eel! Ugh, okay, that wasn't so bad! Eels?! (screams)


Voice actor Role(s)
Christian Potenza Chris
Marco Grazzini Alejandro
Clé Bennett Chef Hatchet
Peter Oldring Cody/Tyler
Emilie-Claire Barlow Courtney
Drew Nelson Duncan
Megan Fahlenbock Gwen
Rachel Wilson Heather
Carter Hayden Noah
Scott McCord Owen
Annick Obonsawin Sierra
  • Ezekiel appears, but he has no lines. However, he growls when he is unmasked and screams when Chef throws him off the plane.
  • Someone can be heard talking over the loudspeakers at the nightclub when Courtney and Gwen first see Duncan, though it is unknown who voiced him.

Elimination Ceremony

Elimination Ceremony 8:
Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot
Status Contestant
IN TDWT AlejandroTDWT DuncanTDWT OwenTDWT Tyler
Alejandro, Duncan, Owen, Tyler

Still in the running

TDWT Ezekiel bw
TDWT Harold bw
TDWT Bridgette bw
TDWT Leshawna bw
TDWT Lindsay bw
TDWT Izzy bw
TDWT Noah bw
TDWT Duncan
TDWT Sierra
TDWT Tyler



  • The Ripper captures a total of six contestants, but only five are taken back to Chris and Chef, out of the game.
    • Alejandro: While he was eavesdropping on Chris, Chef, and The Ripper in first class, the Ripper heard the door creaking and kidnapped him.
    • Sierra and Cody: They stayed out of the torture chamber because Sierra wanted them to kiss. The Ripper finds them and captures them.
    • Tyler: After being stretched in the torture chamber, Owen and Noah rushed ahead, accidentally leaving him alone. By the time they returned to the chamber, Jack the Ripper had already kidnapped Tyler.
    • Heather: She stayed out of the dining hall to "guard the door" and when she had her back turned, the Ripper captured her.
    • Noah: While confronting the Ripper on the bus, the Ripper silently jumped down from the second level, gagged him with his hand, and hopped back up. The Ripper then locked him in the driver's compartment until Owen let him out, and so he was not taken to Chris and Chef.
    • The number of the contestants that were taken out of the game might be a reference to the canonical number of the victims of Jack the Ripper.
    • The only contestants not to be kidnapped are Owen, Gwen, and Courtney.
  • Both "Total Drama Fugitives" have now been found and captured.
  • Duncan's return is similar to Courtney's debut in "Ocean's Eight—or Nine" in two ways, as the winning team for the episode encounters the added player, while the added player becomes a member of the losing team and is immune from elimination.
    • Coincidentally, both Duncan and Courtney were in a relationship.
    • Interestingly, they both return in the thirteenth episode of their respective seasons.
  • Heather complains that her team wasn't in first class saying that they didn't lose, even though the second place team never sleeps in first class.
  • This is the first, and currently the only episode in Total Drama history in which three people are seen in the confessional at once.
  • This is the first episode where Ezekiel is seen without his hat.
  • The HD remastered version of the episode removes the pixelated censorship from Heather's mouth when she curses at Courtney and Gwen for torturing her, revealing that her lips were just slightly shaking rather than moving in accordance to any words the first time she did that.



  • The title of this episode is a reference on the children's rhyme, "I see London; I see France; I see someone's underpants."
  • Jack the Ripper, the infamous serial killer from Whitechapel, London, was referenced and had significant importance in this episode.
  • The unmasking of Jack the Ripper, with everyone exclaiming "Old man Jenkins?!?" and Ezekiel wearing an old man mask, is a parody of the old Scooby-Doo cartoons' villain unmasking.
  • Sierra mentions a "Tweeter" update, a parody of the well-known social site, called Twitter. Noah also mentions "Fredslist," a parody of the classifieds site, "Craigslist."
  • After Chris gives the recap, a skeleton holding an umbrella is seen outside the aircraft. This is a reference to Mary Poppins.
  • Owen's line, "Nobody locks my little buddy in the corner!," is a reference to the famous quote "Nobody puts Baby in a corner," from the movie, Dirty Dancing.
  • In this episode Noah uses Churchill wit, a form of word play created by former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, which consists of comparing one subject to another in a synonym of the other inside of yet another synonym. He does so by saying that Alejandro is an "eel dipped in grease swimming in motor oil."


  • Heather claims that Team Amazon won the last challenge, despite it actually being Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot who won.
  • When Sierra was doing a Tweeter update, she said the update she just did was 67 characters. However, it's actually 64.
  • On Netflix, the captions incorrectly read "Craigslist" instead of "Fredlist."
  • When jumping out of the plane to reach their destination, Noah is seen on top of Owen. However, when they land, Noah is below him.
  • When Team Amazon lands, there were six parachutes on the floor, despite the fact that there are only five members of the team.
  • Gwen's sunburn on her hand would sometimes disappear throughout this episode.
  • When Chef drives the bus, it is shown that he's driving on the right side of the street instead of on the left side as he should in England.
  • Jack the Ripper's outfit throughout the episode has purple underneath his cape and across his hat and he has white eyes. However, when Chris shows the picture of him during the bus tour, he has red underneath his cape instead of purple, and a silver shade on his hat with a gray line across, along with red eyes.
    • The mask Ezekiel was wearing is also a completely different shape than his head, and his pupils aren't seen until the hat he was wearing was removed.
  • When Owen and Noah return to the bus and stand next to it, Noah's lower body disappears.
  • When Owen and Noah encounter the pack of dogs, there are six of them. However, in the final confrontation, when the dogs attack Owen again, there are only five.
  • When everyone turns to look angrily at Heather after her taunt, Alejandro's head and neck is missing for a frame.
  • When Courtney hugs Duncan, the top strap on her left shoe is missing.
  • When Ezekiel is first thrown off the plane, he is (presumably) still wearing his normal outfit under the Jack the Ripper outfit except wearing black dress shoes instead of his usual boots; yet he is wearing his boots when shone crouching on the landing gear. His signature hat is also missing when thrown out yet appears at the end, though it's possible he had it in his pocket.
  • After Ezekiel is thrown out of the plane, he was later seen holding onto the plane's landing gear, which would normally be retracted inside the plane while it is flying. A possible explanation could be the Jumbo Jet's reputation for malfunctioning.
  • When Heather asks if Alejandro is okay, Courtney's freckles are gone.
  • When Courtney hugs Duncan, the wall has nothing on it, but when Gwen looks at them, the wall has bolts and creases on it.
  • When Ezekiel is unmasked and growls at the contestants, the hair that normally sticks out behind his head is missing.
  • Ezekiel's eyes don't become bloodshot until his mask is pulled off, despite it having eye holes.
  • After Owen finds the clue in the guard's hat, one of Noah's hands is a lighter color than the rest of his skin.
  • When the Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot logo appeared as Noah and Owen were falling out of the plane, the music bell is heard, although the song isn’t until later in the episode.


See also

