Josh is the host of Celebrity Manhunt. He is first introduced in Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special as a host alongside Blaineley. Josh appears to be the stereotypical gossip monger who seems to really enjoy "cat fights." He loves action and any drama or fight he can get his hands on.
Total Drama Action[]

Josh is introduced as one of the hosts of Celebrity Manhunt.
Josh appears in Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special, as the host of Celebrity Manhunt, along with Blaineley, and is very excited about the upcoming Gemmie Awards. Josh appears to share a lot of similarities with Chris, as he loves drama and fights, especially catfights. Josh interviews Gwen and Heather, after talking about their head-on Internet blog rivalry. It appears that Josh is completely on "Team Gwen." While Josh is interviewing the two girls, they get into a catfight, much to Josh's delight. He also interviews Harold, Justin, Trent, and Cody while they are in their boy band, The Drama Brothers. He tries to talk to them, but Trent and Justin are preoccupied with breaking up with their girlfriends and Harold is angry that he thinks the band doesn't like his beat boxing. Josh, annoyed, then gets an interview with Harold, who has now become "H-Bomb." He states that he is going solo, and has "$OLO" tattooed on his fingers, though the letters are backwards, so it reads "LO$O." Josh laughs when Harold announces he is leaving the band, implying that he does not think Harold will be a big hit. Josh is right, and both acts eventually hit rock bottom.
At the end of the episode, he and Blaineley announce that Geoff, Justin, Beth, Trent, Eva, Katie, and Sadie aren't returning to Total Drama World Tour. Eva gets into a tantrum due to this and Josh is eventually hit in the back of the head by a camera while he is trying to sign off. During the "Technical Difficulties - Please Stand By" screen, he is seen screaming as Blaineley is choked by the Drama Machine.
Total DramaRama season 2[]
After nearly a decade since his first appearance, Josh reappears in the spin-off. Although he looks exactly the same, his clothes take on a lighter coloring, or a brown suit in some appearances.

Josh talks about the annual zombie parade on TV.
In The Tooth About Zombies, Josh appears as a reporter covering the zombie parade. He receives a call from an unknown figure saying that there is free pizza in the daycare. He arrives there with the "zombies", only to find out that there are no pizzas as promised. Recognizing Beth's voice and noticing that Gwen also looked suspicious, he blames them for the mess they had caused.
In Total Eclipse of the Fart, Josh talks about the weird weather when fart clouds show up.
In Way Back Wendel, Josh talks about the daycare turning black and white, moments before the same happens to him.
In Simply Perfect, Josh announces on the news that schools will have an important test. He reminds the parents to blame the teacher in case their kid fails. After Courtney uses the Brain Strain 3000, he becomes dumb and starts acting weird.
Total DramaRama season 3[]
In Squirrels Squirrels Squirrels, Josh appears during a commercial about a mind-controlling bracelet.
Total Drama ActionTotal DramaRama season 2
Total DramaRama season 3
- As revealed in an interview with two Total Drama directors, Keith Oliver and Chad Hicks, Josh became the host of his own reality-based television series, "Nobody Likes Josh." Unfortunately, the ratings were indicative of the title and the show was cancelled after the second episode. After the show's cancellation, he returned to hosting Celebrity Manhunt at a severely reduced pay rate.
- The show's title parodies Everybody Loves Raymond.
- Josh shares his name with one of the interns from Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, whose name was revealed by Chris in The Enchanted Franken-Forest.
See also[]
Hosts | |
Total Drama | Chef Hatchet | Chris |
Total Drama Aftermath | Blaineley | Bridgette | Geoff |
Celebrity Manhunt | Blaineley | Josh |
The Ridonculous Race | Don |