Total Drama Wiki

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Total Drama Wiki

The Killer is a psychotic criminal that escaped from prison off-screen sometime during Total Drama Island, making his debut in "Hook, Line, and Screamer". He is normally seen with a chainsaw and a hook. He makes a brief cameo during "Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special" as a contestant for Chris' fake season, named "Total Drama Dirtbags", as well as in Total Drama All-Stars.

Total Drama Island[]


The killer is about to attack Gwen when she thinks he is an actor.

In "Hook, Line, and Screamer", Chris sets up a challenge, in which the campers have to survive a "real-life horror movie" by avoiding capture from an escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw on the loose, who is actually Chef in disguise.

As they make their way off the island in the Boat of Losers, Owen picks up a newspaper article dropped by Chris and Chef. The article describes the psycho killer and his escape from prison.

However, as the challenge reaches its conclusion, a real psycho killer — presumably the one from the article — arrives at camp and attempts to attack Gwen in the main lodge. At first, Gwen doesn't think he's the true psycho killer, thinking he's just a low-paid actor, and encourages him to get a dental plan and some toothpaste. The campers, Chris, and Chef all watch this happen live on Chris' control tent monitor, then run to the main lodge to save Gwen. When everyone reaches Gwen and warns her, she quickly reacts and kicks the killer in the jaw several times to defeat him and inadvertently wins the challenge. Angered by this, he complains in a high-pitched, effeminate voice, saying that he was treated much better in prison, and storms out of the main lodge. At the end of the episode, he is shown behind a bush, menacingly whispering the name of the season over and over again. Afterwards, he asks the camera crew if Gwen's repeated kicks had caused his nose to bleed.

Total Drama Action[]

The killer makes a brief cameo appearance in "Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special". He appears walking down the red carpet at the Gemmie Awards as one of the contestants in Chris' new reality show, "Total Drama Dirtbags".

Total Drama All-Stars[]

HVV Escaped Psycho

The killer in prison in Total Drama All-Stars.

The killer makes a brief appearance in the first episode, "Heroes vs. Villains", in the same prison where Chris is incarcerated. In his prison cell, he is seen insisting to the guard that he is innocent, with a cork placed over the sharp tip of his hook.




  • The killer references the urban legend of a hook man attacking couples who are making out in a car.
  • The killer parodies several famous slasher movie killers:
    • Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th, with his mask and the basic idea of him attacking a group of kids at a summer camp. He is also very large, and his face is very distorted, like Jason. He also uses a distant, repetitive chant like Jason, in which he repeats words over and over again such as "Duncan, Duncan, Duncan."
    • Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, with his dirty apron and chainsaw.
      • Due to the combination of elements from Jason and Leatherface, the killer is a representation of the popular Hockey Mask and Chainsaw trope.
    • Michael Myers from Halloween, with the idea of a psychotic killer escaping from prison.
    • Ben Willis from I Know What You Did Last Summer, with his hook.

