Total Drama Wiki

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Total Drama Wiki

A perfectionist is challenged by their friends not to correct them whenever they do not follow the rules. This proves to be a rather hard task as their friends drive them crazy. Meanwhile, the teacher's world is turned upside down when he finds out information regarding a certain vegetable.


The episode opens with Courtney arriving at the daycare and greeting Chef before getting ready for the day. However, when she tries to get her indoor shoes, she finds a bunch of rats in the cubby, Apparently, they are in there because of the other kids leaving food in their cubbies. The rats have also chewed up Courtney's favorite indoor shoes. Later, Courtney is seen reading a book, but the last page was ripped out by Harold and Jude, who are making paper fish. In the confessional, Courtney talks about how she feels like she's the only one following the rules, however she is is interrupted by Izzy when the latter blows a bubble with bubble gum, ruining Courtney's hair. Then, Izzy eats the bubble gum, which Courtney gets disgusted by. Courtney walks around the daycare and a paper airplane lands on Courtney's hair, which was thrown by Noah. Courtney told Noah that flying paper airplanes is not allowed. Noah sighs. Sauce spills on Courtney, and the sauce is tomato sauce. He sees Duncan playing in the sink and stomping on the tomato sauce. Courtney tattletales on Duncan and Chef says "DUNCAN, STOP WASTING VEGETABLES!" Courtney corrects Chef by saying tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable, then Chef is surprised.


It's Arts & Crafts and the kids are assigned to do different assignments. Courtney and Bridgette put butterfly stickers on a drawing board while Noah, Beth and Harold randomly scribble on theirs with crayons. Duncan and Leshawna, on the other hand, are doodling on a shirtless Owen's body while Jude watches them.


Voice actor Role(s)
Deven Mack Chef Hatchet
Sarah Gadon Beth/Alexia/Computer
Emilie-Claire Barlow Courtney
Terry McGurrin Don
Drew Nelson Duncan
Darren Frost Harold
Christian Potenza Jude
Cory Doran Noah/Waiter
Scott McCord Owen



  • Don from Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race appears as a scientist in this episode.
  • "Know it All" was also used as a label for Noah in Total Drama Island, appearing on the 'Totally Dramatic Total Drama Marathon' promo.



  • Chef's "Alexia" device is a reference to the popular interactive Amazon device, "Alexa".


  • This episode shows that Courtney wears two type of sandals, one pair she refers to as her outside ones and one pair she refers as her inside ones but during the series, she only had one pair of sandals.


See also

Total DramaRama Season 1 episodes
Venthalla | Duck Duck Juice | Cluckwork Orange | Free Chili | The Date | Aquarium for a Dream | Cuttin' Corners | Sharing is Caring | Ant We All Just Get Along | Germ Factory | Cone in 60 Seconds | The Bad Guy Busters | That's a Wrap | Tiger Fail | A Ninjustice to Harold | Having the Timeout of Our Lives | Hic Hic Hooray | Bananas & Cheese | Inglorious Toddlers | Not Without My Fudgy Lumps | Paint That a Shame | Snots Landing | Know it All | A Licking Time Bomb | From Badge to Worse | Snow Way Out | All Up In Your Drill | Toys Will Be Toys | Stay Goth, Poodle Girl, Stay Goth | Gum and Gummer | Invasion of the Booger Snatchers | Wristy Business | Melter Skelter | The Never Gwending Story | There Are No Hoppy Endings | Too Much of a Goo’d Thing | The Price of Advice | Mother of All Cards | Duncan Disorderly | Soother or Later | Camping is In Tents | Mutt Ado About Owen | Simons Are Forever | Stop! Hamster Time | Driving Miss Crazy | Weiner Takes All | Apoca-lice Now | Gnome More Mister Nice Guy | Look Who's Clocking | Harold Swatter and the Goblet of Flies | Stink. Stank. Stunk