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Leshawna is one of the children attending Happy Tots Daycare Centre.


Leshawna is portrayed quite differently in this series. While her original counterpart has no love for people who are bullies, she acts as one in the spinoff, spending an entire episode forcing the other kids to treat her like a queen and another episode trying to steal someone else's toy. Spoiled and vain, Leshawna believes that the world revolves around her and cares more about herself than her friends. Ironically, this makes Leshawna more like her older self’s archenemy instead of herself. Despite the difference in personality, there are times where Leshawna can be friendly like her older self and help her classmates in their situation. Like her older self, Leshawna has a rather sharp tongue, likes to take leadership, and enjoys seeing the downfall of others, especially those who wronged her.

Total DramaRama season 1[]

In The Date, Leshawna joins Jude and the gang in order to create a fake girlfriend for Chef Hatchet. She writes romantic poems and love letters, which increases his mood and makes him buy pizza for them. Leshawna then finds out that Izzy organized a real date for Chef, which makes her furious. She forces Jude and Owen to pretend they are "LeFonda", but the plan fails, and they all end up in time-out.

How is she still alive

Leshawna gets injured after playing with Izzy.

In Cuttin' Corners, Leshawna along with Duncan and Beth desire to eat the cake that Izzy brought to daycare. To do so, she and the other kids plot to pretending to be best friends with Izzy so that she'll share the cake with them. However, they hadn't anticipated just how dangerous Izzy's idea of fun is, resulting in severe injuries on the other kids' part. When it's finally cake time, Leshawna and the others get excited over getting to eat, only to be shocked when Izzy starts giving the cake to other kids who are nice to her. Now thoroughly disappointed that their hard work was for nothing as the other kids proceed to have a food fight with the cake.

In Sharing is Caring, Leshawna tries to steal Courtney's Extreme-a-Saurus, since she doesn't want to share. She has competition, as Beth and Duncan try to steal it too. They all end up ditching the toy to play dodgeball.

In Ant We All Just Get Along, Leshawna is terrified when Beth finds an anthill. She goes on a fake court with Courtney, who is on her side. When Beth and Owen steal the ants, Leshawna and Courtney persecutes them all around the city. In the end, Leshawna is happy when the ants are freed outside the school.

What leshawna has been doing

Leshawna enjoys staying at home.

In Germ Factory, Leshawna is the only kid absent for the day, having come down with a cold. While recuperating, she is able to enjoy being away from class, watching TV all day and getting to eat ice cream. Under Bridgette's suggestion, her classmates contacted her via video chat in order to know how is she doing. The next day, Leshawna is fully recovered and returns to class only to find herself the only kid present as the others have become sick.

In Tiger Fail, Leshawna plays the quiet game hoping she can beat Gwen, who wants tiger tail flavored ice-cream instead of chocolate like everyone else. She is the eight toddler eliminated.

In Hic Hic Hooray, Leshawna, Beth, Harold and Cody sing a Christmas song in order to surprise Bridgette and help her with her hiccups.

Pizza lesh owen

Leshawna goes to an amusement park with Owen.

In Paint That a Shame, Leshawna tells the kids that she won tickets for Wild Ride Kingdom, but she only has 2 tickets. She enjoys her time while they try to win her over treating her like a queen. She proposes a game of paintball to determinate the winner. Duncan eliminates himself and makes Owen the winner. Leshawna goes to the park with him, but he ends up puking over her in the roller coaster. Leshawna is super frustrated and gets annoyed when the kids laugh at her.

In A Licking Time Bomb, Leshawna and some other kids become addicted to Owen and Noah's cookies, but is disgusted when she finds out the secret ingredient was Owen's spit.

Wild creature that put it there

Beth ruins Leshawna's hair.

In Gum and Gummer, the class is in awe over Leshawna's new outfit and hairstyle, continuously calling her beautiful and pretty. She explains she is dressed up for her Granny's birthday, and she will be going home early to celebrate it. Most of the kids are jealous. Over the episode, she avoids getting dirty until Beth gets gum in her hair. At the end of the day, she finds out Beth got gum in her hair and threw a tantrum.

In Invasion of the Booger Snatchers, Leshawna gets ready for photo day. She is posesesd by an alien, and tries to capture Harold, Izzy and Beth. In the end, she is saved when the birds get the alien out of her body.

In Wristy Business, Leshawna is kind when she sees Beth with an injured arm. In the bathrooms, she discovers it was all a lie, and decides to fake an injury too to get sympathy from the other kids. She and Beth get really competitive, and end up fighting. When both of them are injured for real, they miss on ice-cream day.

In Melter Skelter, Leshawna follows Beth's lead and joins Cody and Harold in trying to get rid of old toys, in order to get a new "Everything Horse".

It's the morgorax

Leshawna, Duncan and Courtney get scared of Chef.

In The Never Gwending Story, Leshawna and the rest of the kids enjoy story time with Chef. Things go well until Chef notices the last page is missing. Leshawna and the rest hear Gwen's version of the story, which terrifies them. They end up attacking Chef, mistaking him with the monster of Gwen's story.

In There Are No Hoppy Endings, Leshawna and the kids blame the stuffed animal "Hoppy" for everything they do.

In Too Much of a Goo’d Thing, Leshawna is impressed with Beth's slime. She ends up being eaten by it, but is eventually released by accident when the slime monster is destroyed.

In Duncan Disorderly, Leshawna, Courtney, Jude and Bridgette go on a nature walk with Chef. When they need to pee, Chef enters a restaurant, but the kids order food while they are there. Leshawna orders bacon.

In Camping is In Tents, the class go to a camping trip. Leshawna stays at camp and helps Harold with his Bigfoot traps. At night, Gwen's scary story makes her cry.

In Mutt Ado About Owen, Leshawna observes Harold's "hypnotizing" show. She finds Owen cute when he starts acting like a dog.

Super crazy straw

Leshawna takes advantage of Izzy.

In Simons Are Forever, Leshawna plays Simon Says with her friends, but loses. When she and Duncan find out Izzy is still in play mode, they convince her to do everything they say by using the words "Simon Says". When things get a little extreme, the real Simon appears to save the day.

In Weiner Takes All, Leshawna and the rest of the kids are excited for National Hot Dog Day, but end up a bit disappointed when an Australian man dressed as a kangaroo shows up as a substitute.

In Gnome More Mister Nice Guy, Leshawna is turned to stone after some lawn gnomes go wild. She is about to become a cookie, but is saved by Duncan.

Total DramaRama season 2[]

In The Tooth About Zombies, Leshawna stays inside the daycare when Chef told her there are zombies outside. When the zombie parade arrives, Leshawna and the others decide to fight back.

In Exercising the Demons, Leshawna and the other kids are addicted to their tablets. When Chef calls an expert in child fitness, she is forced to work out. None of the kids like Abigail, but she keeps training them all day. In the end, they all get muscles.

In Pudding the Planet First, Leshawna and some kids line up in Chef's office to poop in his desk. She gets scared when a giant pudding ball is about to destroy the planet, but it only destroys Chef's new car.

Leshawna comes up with aa plan

Leshawna comes up with a plan to defeat Dame Wrench.

In A Dame-gerous Game, Leshawna, Bridgette, Owen and Cody are excited after winning a Hide and Seek championship. She clashes with Duncan when he is not impressed by their achievement. The team is then challenged by Dame Wrench, as she invites them to her private island. The kids go down one by one, and are turned to gold. Leshawna convinces Dame Wrench that in order to be the best, she must know how to hide too. The lady falls for it, and Leshawna is able to go back to the daycare with all of her friends statues, except for Cody. She shows them to Duncan.

In Total Eclipse of the Fart, Leshawna is excited when a tooth is about to fall, as she await the tooth fairy. She starts crying when she realizes she accidentally swallowed the teeth. After Duncan's advice, she creates a fake tooth in order to capture the fairy, but ends up bringing the fart fairy to the daycare. She refuses to admit that she farts. When the fairy is dying, Leshawna has no choice but to fart and help him survive. The fart fairy gives her 10 bucks for her help.

In For a Few Duncans More, Leshawna is very excited for pizza day, but is sad to find out Chef canceled it. After Duncan makes lot of copies of himself, they all attack Leshawna and the rest of the kids. Once they get rid of them, Chef uncancels pizza day, and she is happy again.

Kids land on a plane

Leshawna, Owen and Bridgette go inside Izzy's dream.

In Dream Worriers, Leshawna, Bridgette, Owen and Harold get worried when Izzy can't remember how her dream ended. Thanks to Harold, they go inside Izzy's dream. Leshawna, Bridgette and Owen face some trouble, including a giant killing baby, a dog that looks like Izzy, and an angry Duncan. They are able to get out once Harold fixes his dream pod.

In Grody to the Maximum, Leshawna, Beth, Harold and Duncan are impressed when a "new kid" shows up at the daycare with a cool shirt. Courtney tries to tell them that it's really Cody, but they don't believe her. Leshawna and the rest cheer for him after he goes lion jumping, but are disappointed to find out it was Cody after all.

In Wiggin’ Out, Leshawna, Izzy and Owen are impressed when Bridgette reveals she donated her hair for a charity. Wanting to do good, they want to do the same, and Bridgette tries to help them. After trying Bridgette's potion, Leshawna and the rest get super hairy, and go to the forest to save Bridgette from Bigfoot. Leshawna ends up bald, as she donated her hair to cats.

In Fire in the Hole, Leshawna and the kids are scared when Terry Spice shows up at the school. Terry takes Leshawna to a hair saloon, and gives her a bad haircut that resembles Cody's. She is later saved by Duncan.

Owen can't see this working out

Leshawna and her friends have a hard time finding a replacement for Chef.

In Tu Ba Or Not Tu Ba, Leshawna, Owen, Courtney, Izzy and Duncan try to find a replacement teacher when Chef decides to live his dream. They realize that Chef is irreplaceable, so they try to stop his audition but fail. In the end, Leshawna is happy when Chef decides to go back to his old job.

In Way Back Wendel, Leshawna and the rest of the kids are unable to beat Courtney in a challenge. When a kid from the past shows up, everyone start turning black and white. Leshawna and the others are saved by Courtney in the end.

In Stingin' in the Rain, when Courtney's coin is missing, Leshawna and the kids assume there is a robber. They set up a lot of traps for MacArthur, but in the end, there was no robber.

In OWW, Leshawna, Owen, Izzy, Duncan and Cody want to be wrestlers after hearing Chef's story. Leshawna's alter ego is the Drama Queen. The kids invite Chef's ex-partner Sammy, but the only thing he causes is trouble. Leshawna and her friends team up and defend Chef from Sammy.

Lesh looks at herself in the mirror

Leshawna becomes a mermaid.

In A Fish Called Leshawna, Leshawna is shown to be a fan of mermaids, and wants to become one. Harold shows her that it is possible by eating fish sticks. She teams up with Owen and steals the ones from Chef. Leshawna turns into a mermaid, and Owen into a blowfish. She sings a song for Cody to show off her great voice. Later on, Chef and the military try to catch her, so she asks Courtney and Harold for help. They manage to take her to the sea but Leshawna quickly changes her mind after finding out it's so dirty. Chef turns her back to human.

In Duncan Duty, Leshawna, Harold and Izzy make a deal with Chef in exchange for chocolate milk, but they were just playing him.

Girls beat up the book

Leshawna helps Courtney take care of her evil book.

In Encore'tney, Leshawna tells Courtney that her only mistake is admitting that she makes mistakes at all. Courtney wants to be perfect, so she buys a book that causes everyone to get stuck in an endless loop. She asks Leshawna for help. Leshawna states that queens like her and Courtney were born perfect, and no one is allowed to tell them otherwise. The girls throw the book in a volcano and the curse is broken.

In AbaracaDuncan, Leshawna witnesses Harold's magic show, but is not very impressed. When Duncan disappears, she believes magic is real. The kids get angry at Harold and try to kill him, but Duncan reveals that he was the one pranking them.

In School District 9, Chef's career predicting machine says Leshawna will be a rocket scientist. She likes it and trains for it. When aliens show up at the daycare, she starts to build a rocket. After they leave to try to destroy the Earth, she teams up with Owen and sends him to space. They defeat the aliens and save their friends.

Total DramaRama season 3[]

In Gumbearable, Leshawna, Beth and Duncan are chewing gum, and decide to share it with Owen. When she thinks Owen swallowed it, she tells him that he will live forever in his own fart balloon. Later on, she joins Duncan and Beth to save Owen from jumping in a gum volcano.

In Whack Mirror, Leshawna and the rest of the kids get angry at Cody and Beth when their clones attack them.

In Broken Back Kotter, Leshawna and her friends train Chef for the Daycare Professional of the Year Competition.

Grandma can relate to chef's mom

Leshawna's grandma visits the daycare.

In Last Mom Standing, Leshawna's grandma takes her to the daycare. All the kids can't handle the cuteness. While her grandma and Chef's mom compete in a sweet-off, Gwen warns Leshawna and tells her to stop it. Leshawna's sure that nothing bad will happen. After things get dangerous for the kids, Leshawna comes up with a plan and unites both moms with a "sweetest mom ever" award.

In Carmageddon, Duncan asks Leshawna and some other kids for help when trying to destroy Chef's new car. Leshawna decides to help. She gets upset when the car try to tell her what to do. Leshawna tries to kick it, but gets hit back by the car.

Leshawna takes the tiara back

Leshawna and Sugar fight over a tiara.

In Sugar & Spice & Lightning & Frights, Leshawna and the rest of the kids receive Lightning and Sugar as new students. She acts friendly towards Sugar, until she notices the new girl is using her tiara. Leshawna gets mad, and they fight for it. When a Komodo dragon attacks the kids, they team up to stop it and decide to share the tiara.

In Breaking Bite, Leshawna, Noah and Owen are terrified of Beth after they believe she bit Duncan. They try to make her day perfect by following her orders. In the end, they find out the truth, and Leshawna and her friends get angry at her.

In Cody the Barbarian, Leshawna joins Cody's team to enter a live-action videogame. She plans to steal the crown from Cody and get all the fortune from his late uncle. During the quest, she manipulates Duncan and is able to get him out. She tries to convince Cody to give her the crown, but fails. Inside the castle, Harold attacks Leshawna after she betrays the team. They are defeated by a knight and sent to the real world.

Leshcourtney moment

Leshawna and Courtney being kind to each other.

In Chews Wisely, Leshawna and the rest of the kids get excited when Chef gives them a new car, but is disappointed after the teacher blows it up. They are determined to get a new car by winning a bubble gum contest. After they steal some gum from Chef's office, they start practicing. Leshawna and Courtney are the best at doing it. When the school gets flooded with gum, Chef saves the day and takes the kids to the contest. Leshawna and Courtney are about to win, until Cody steals the victory from them.

In Gwen Scary, Gwen Lost, Leshawna and the rest of the kids are tired of Chef's mediocre Halloween pranks. When Chef closes the school, they all go into a castle. Leshawna and the rest of the kids follow Gwen's master plan. With some help from Duncan, she wears a wolf costume, and scares Chef. She also kidnaps Courtney.

They used leshawna as a decorationn

Leshawna at the main star of the Christmas tree.

In The Tree Stooges Save Christmas, after Chef's Christmas tree is destroyed, Leshawna goes on an adventure with Beth, Owen and Harold. They travel all over the world while shrinking landmarks for the tree decorations. Harold accidently shrinks Leshawna, and she ends up in a jar. In the end, she is happy to be inside the main star of the Christmas tree.

In Van Hogling, Leshawna, Beth, Izzy, Duncan and Owen are not happy to go to Sugar's farm. She tries to teach them the basics of farming, but they don't pay attention. Leshawna and the rest are in trouble after pigs run wild and become werehogs at night. Sugar finally comes to the rescue and saves them all.

In Ticking Crime Bomb, Leshawna and Izzy combine soda and candy. Owen warns Chef about it and the girls get a time out. They are disappointed to learn that they won't be going to the candy museum. Leshawna and Izzy come up with a plan to make Owen believe he is a bad person. After a while, they find out Owen decided to leave school to join a gang. They quickly come to the rescue and admit their mistake. However, MacArthur and the police officers think they are the criminals, and put them behind bars.


Total DramaRama season 1

Total DramaRama season 2

Total DramaRama season 3



  • Other than Lightning, Leshawna is the only student who has prominent lips.


  • Leshawna's shirt has three kumquats instead of four like her older self.
  • She wears a different type of earring in this series.
  • She has a red hairband instead of a brown one like her older self.
  • Leshawna's lips are smaller, and are a different color.
  • Leshawna is missing the mole her older self has underneath her right eye.
  • Leshawna's hair color was black in the original series, whereas it's more of a dark brown here.
  • Unlike her older self, Leshawna doesn't seem to be afraid of spiders in this continuity.

