Owen asks the kids what are they doing.
The kids are washing Chef's car.
Courtney thinks that Chef's car will just get destroyed by the end of the episode like it usually does.
Chef will give the kids pizza if they clean his car.
Owen tells the kids to move over.
The kids as they watch Owen washing Chef's car.
Chef is proud of the kids for what they did.
Chef gives the kids a frozen pizza.
Owen gets hit by the frozen pizza.
Jude wishes they could have something that heats up the pizza.
Courtney's reaction to her friends not knowing what an oven is.
Courtney tells the kids that all they need to do is to cook the pizza.
The kids find out that the oven was just a cardboard cutout.
Courtney wonders how did she not notice this before.
Owen throws the frozen pizza out of the window.
Duncan tries to calm Cody down.
"Meh, totally not my fault." - Duncan
Chef's car gets destroyed by the frozen pizza.
"Hey, you called it." - Jude to Courtney
Courtney explains to the kids what a defibrillator is.
Jude and Owen think that the defibrillator cooked the pizza.
The kids' reactions to the pizza..
The kids are surprised that the pizza can even talk.
Izzy thinks that they should've seen this coming.
The kids tell Owen that he can't eat Pete.
Chef stops Owen from eating a doll.
Chef stops Owen from eating Cody.
Pete is excited to play with the kids.
Pete is the only thing Owen can think about.
Courtney stops Owen from eating Pete.
Owen saves Pete from some birds.
Owen tries to eat Pete again..
.. but he gets stopped by Courtney.
The kids think that Owen's handling the situation very well.
Pete wants the kids to eat him.
Courtney wonders why would Pete want to get eaten.
Pete considers getting eaten to be the purpose of his life.
Pete shows the kids a photo album of his family.
Pete's father was eaten on a party.
Pete's grandfather also got eaten.
The kids argue over what they should do with Pete.
Izzy thinks that Courtney is right for the first time ever, which surprises Courtney.
The kids begin to watch TV with Pete.
The kids and Pete watch a commercial..
The kids take Pete to a petting zoo.
Due to budget cuts, the petting zoo only has rats in it.
The kids take Pete to a pie eating contest.
The kids decide to take Pete back to the daycare.
Pete still wants to get eaten.
Jude thinks that they should just eat Pete.
Izzy asks Pete what would he wanna be.
Izzy tells Pete that he could be an astronaut.
"This is your worst idea yet." - Courtney to Izzy
Izzy fails to change Pete's mind.
Courtney and Izzy stop Owen from eating Pete.
Jude notices that Pete disappeared.
Pete tries to make MacArthur eat him.
MacArthur is surprised that Pete can talk.
Izzy throws pineapples at Pete.
The kids think that nobody will ever eat Pete now.
MacArthur refuses to eat Pete now because of the pineapples.
Pete still really wants to get eaten.
Pete quietly begs the kids to eat him.
"That's actually much worse." - Courtney
Izzy thinks that they should only eat one slice of Pete.
Owen doesn't want to eat Pete anymore because of the pineapples.
The kids decide to put Pete into the freezer.
Izzy doesn't know what a freezer is.
Pete is sad because he thinks no one is ever going to eat him now.
The kids as they watch Chef eating Pete.
Izzy calls Chef a monster for eating their friend.
Chef considers this to be the best pizza he ever had.
The kids mourn the death of Pete.
Jude says goodbye to Pete.
The kids are happy to see Pete again.
Chef tells the kids that they can't keep ghosts in the school.
"Zip it, pineapple breath!" - Izzy to Chef
Pete is thankful to Chef for eating him.
Pete tells the kids that he will always be with them.
Chef rushes to the bathroom.
"In loving memory of Pete-zza." - Jude