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Millie was a camper on Total Drama Island (2023) as a member of the Ferocious Trout and a finalist of the season. She returned for Total Drama Island (2024) as a member of Team Rat Face.


Millie is an aspiring journalist who writes about people and how they act. She can often come off as condescending, self-superior, and judgmental, but is generally social and kind. She has a noticeably very low opinion on her own generation.

Millie is not a particularly strong player in the game, often being clumsy and unassertive. She forms an alliance with the much more athletic Priya and is trained by her to become stronger. The alliance ends up being very one-sided. Mille is usually carried by Priya throughout the challenges and rarely ever pulls her own weight, such as taking immunity for herself and quitting a challenge before it even started. However, near the end, Millie puts considerably more effort in the competition, something Priya takes notice of.

It is later revealed that Millie's judgmental attitude is a result of her own insecurities. Due to having a lonely childhood, Millie has a very low opinion of herself and finds pointing out other people's flaws easier than thinking about her own. She also seems to struggle with social cues throughout the season. This explains some of her actions that end up upsetting Priya, such as taking immunity for herself after Priya refuses it and offers it to Millie instead. She initially became friends with Priya mostly so she could stay in the game longer for her research, even writing negatively about Priya and her parents behind her back. However, Millie grows to form a genuine bond with Priya and even decides to not to publish her findings, ultimately reconciling with her.

Total Drama Island (2023)

Millie explains why she is here.

Millie explains why she is competing.

Millie is the first camper to be introduced in Total Drama Island (2023), she carries her suitcase down and walks down the dock. Her audition tape plays, Millie reveals that in her parents generation to achieve fame you had to write a novel, win a Gemmy award or cure polio. However in Millie's, you can achieve fame by recording yourself eating hot peppers while you vomit and cry. So Millie thought what better place than Total Drama to research the epic fail of a generation which is her own. When Ripper rips his shirt off, Millie looks at him disgusted. Millie is placed on the Ferocious Trout, and she offers Priya help after she has troubles with her bunk. As Chris introduces the challenge, Millie is shown writing in her notebook for the very first time, and she explains it a bit more in her first confessional. She works with Damien for the challenge, and helps shout directions for Chase and Ripper to follow. Both Damien and Millie are grossed out by the sight of Ripper’s bum. Damien and Millie win the challenge for their team.

Miliie and Priya worried about the elimination

Millie and Priya exchange a worried glance as they walk to their team’s first elimination.

At the start of Pirates of the Cabbage'an, Millie is seen walking while writing, before Ripper snatches her notebook, and tries getting Damien to join him in bullying her for being a “nerd”. However, Damien shows kindness to Millie, giving her back her notebook instead. The two then take a moment to judge Ripper as he explains his goal of being a world-record farter. When Axel and Ripper take a vote to decide the captain, Millie votes for Axel. As Priya dodges cabbages, Millie tries warning her, and she looks over the side after watching Priya fall. As Damien and Millie grab more cabbages together, Millie is taken down by a shot from Nichelle. When Millie returns, Scary Girl chooses not to warn her as she’s successfully knocked off the team’s ship. Millie glares at Zee for costing the team the win, and glares at Scary Girl for finding the little incident between them during the challenge “hilarious”.

Priya explains her parents to Millie

Millie listens to Priya explain how her parents wanted her to win.

In Drown Town Abbey, Millie busies herself during breakfast by writing in her notebook, and watching Priya train, before asking what she’s doing. As Millie listens to Priya’s explanation that her parents had trained her to win Total Drama Island. She takes note of how Priya’s got direction in life, but how her parents sound a little odd, and adds them to her notebook. She also writes down Raj and Wayne’s eating competition, believing that the human race is in serious jeopardy because of their stupidity. Millie struggles a bit in the challenge, but succeeds with motivation from her friend Priya.

Lauren is our only option

Millie and Priya have one option.

Numbskull Island’s beginning scene shows Millie and Priya resting together after the challenge from the previous episode. The two are interrupted by Chase, and have a disagreement with him after he makes fun of Nichelle’s poor performance and continues being ignorant as to why Emma rejected him. Millie and Priya officially form an alliance. They consider adding more members, and Millie gives a brief analysis of every other remaining member of their team: she notes that Damien only votes for himself, Chase is most definitely not an option due to his bromance with Ripper, and Zee is too unpredictable. This leaves them with one and only one option. Millie tells Priya to talk to Scary Girl, adding that she’d scream if Scary Girl tried eating Priya. The girls play offense in the challenge, and take a bit of a beating from their opposition. Millie helps Priya after Ripper uses her as a human shield, and she votes for Scary Girl at the vote, therefore sparing her alliance’s original target.

Damien’s first W

Damien successfully gets Millie and Priya on board to “save him”.

In Jurassic Fart, Priya tries training Millie’s reflexes with apples, before Damien comes in, asking the two of them to join his campaign to vote himself off the island. During the challenge, Millie travels with Damien, Priya, and later Ripper. She is angered by Ripper’s decision to use her pillow to mute his farts, and furiously writes this in her notebook. At the vote, Millie and Priya explain to Damien that they’d convinced everyone to vote for him, because he saved their lives.

S6Ep6 don’t trust her with a secret

Priya asks Millie to keep her secret.

In The Launchback of Notre Game, the girls continue becoming even closer friends, now calling each other “besties”. As Priya explains how she went to Catapult Camp, she asks Millie to keep this a secret. Millie finds this to be tragic, but promises not to tell anyone, although she would be writing it in her notebook. When it’s her turn, Millie is reluctant to let Priya fling her, but ends up having fun in the challenge. Priya hops onto Millie’s shoulders a few times in this episode, doing so after their team wins immunity as well.

As the teams merge, Millie and Priya partner up again, but Millie points out her fear of birds. Priya saves Millie from one of the cassowaries, sure that she’d do the same if their roles were reversed. However, a confessional of Millie is shown, in which she appears to be hesitant about this. After the duo arrives with their eggs, Priya decides to let Millie have immunity, much to the former's annoyance.

In The Wheel of Vomit, Millie opts out on the challenge, due to believing her status as a weak player would protect her at the vote. However, she’s in the bottom two with Ripper, with Priya saying she voted for her to scare her. She gets the final marshmallow, much to her and Priya's relief.

Millie and Priya are once again at a numbers disadvantage in Paddle Field Earth, and they reluctantly let Julia join their alliance. Millie actually believes Chris when he says that the challenge is going to be “less menacing”, before Priya warns her. After falling over the waterfall, Millie tires reassuring everyone that it can’t get more dangerous. Julia, Millie, and Priya experience troubles working as a team, and Julia splits off from them to catch up to Bowie. At the vote, Millie and Priya vote for Bowie, as Julia most likely instructed them to because of her fight with him in the challenge. However, after Zee reveals that his plan of joining both alliances to vote Chris off, causing a revote and eliminating Zee.

In The Truth, The Pole Truth and Nothing But the Truth, Millie and Priya go for a morning hike, which results in Millie being exhausted. This causes her to drink all the water Priya brought, leading her dehydrated. The challenge is that the campers have to stand on a pole and whoever lasts the longest wins immunity. Because of her dehydration, Priya is going crazy, seeing a floating water bottle. Priya asks Millie to see her notebook, much to the latter's worry. Priya believes she doesn't know anything about Millie. She doesn't want Priya to read it because of what she wrote about Priya and her parents. At the end of the challenge, Millie gets knocked off the pole by Chase as he ran to get pizza. She votes him off. At the end of episode, Priya goes to Millie and says she did great in the challenge and is proud of her. She also says that she doesn't need to see her notebook, much to Millie's relief.

In Tortoise Rigamortis, Priya makes Millie a friendship bracelet, similarly, Millie makes one for Priya. Julia makes fun of Millie's friendship bracelet for being a lesser quality, however, Priya says she appreciates the bracelet. The campers are called by Chris to get ready the challenge. The challenge consists the campers taking pictures of animals that vary in amount of points. The camper with the most points wins immunity. Millie and Priya team up, trying to take picture with a sleeping lion, but so does Julia. When they try to out compete each other, Emma sends a message to everyone, waking up the lion, and causing the girls to climb a tree. Julia says Emma and Bowie are in an alliance and they need to team up. Priya agrees, however, Millie does not trust her.


Millie and Priya make costumes to celebrate being the only alliance left.

Later on in the challenge, Priya and Millie encounter a crocodile and attacks Priya. Millie jumps on the crocodile and uses the friendship bracelet to shut it's mouth, saving Priya. Priya says she is impressed by her heroism. They later encounter a bear, and Millie saves Priya again, however, they both lose their phones and are out of the challenge. They both walk back to the camp. They vote Emma off because how good she did in the challenge, seeing her as a threat. It is revealed that Bowie knows about Millie's notebook.


Priya is mad at Millie in the finale.

In Caved by the Bell, Millie and Priya wear costumes a call themselves the super alliance. Bowie creates a secret alliance with them to vote off Julia and has a fake alliance with Julia. Priya tosses the coins to Millie, but every time Millie fails to catch it and Bowie fails to stop Julia collect coins. Eventually both Millie and Priya get eaten by a sea monster with lots of coins and they make it to the end and Priya wins immunity. At elimination, Millie as at the bottom two, but receives the final marshmallow as everyone voted for Julia, much to her shock. At the end of the episode, Bowie leaves a present that contains Millie's notebook and reveals what she wrote, ending with Priya yelling at Millie, much to his joy.

Millie and Priya’s friendship is now completely destroyed in Magma Cum Laude, and Millie admits to having spent the whole night crying about it. Millie works with Ripper in the first challenge, and follows his advice to sabotage Priya’s raft then save her, therefore making them “best nerd friends forever” again. After she’s eliminated, Millie gives a speech about how much she really cares for her friendship with Priya, and the two make up. Millie is then told by Chris to join the other “losers”. Millie cheers for Priya when she wins, and is shown dancing with her after the rematch season is announced.

Total Drama Island (2024)

Millie comes back with the rest cast for a season two. In The Pink Painter Strikes Again, Millie reveals that Priya gave her a binder about tips to improve her skills in the game. Millie didn't read the binder and feels guilty, so she lies that she did read it. She is the first person Priya chose to be on her team. Millie gets knocked down by Chef's grandmother quickly into the challenge.

In Taking It to the Rim Reaper, Millie attempts to apologize for her poor performance in the last episode, however, she is distracted looking at Caleb. She scores points for her team, and helps Damien score points as he has a blindfold on to perform better in the challenge. When opposing team is winning, she tricks Damien into the dangerous four-point slide, winning her team the challenge, but causing her team to mad at her as Damien is very injured.


Damien forgives Millie.

In You Poor Saps, Millie walks to her teammates and they are all mad at her for her actions in the last episode. Damien says they are no longer friends, calling her a "Ripper," much to her shock. During the challenge, Millie tries to apologize to Damien, however he refuses to listen to her. Then, later on she apologizes to Damien, causing him to hug her, however, they get stuck together by the sap covering them. Damien gets his tongue stuck on the sap, and they do not get free because Chris doesn't care. Her team votes her off, not knowing Damien forgave her.

A video of Millie answering a "Would you rather?" question is shown in the challenge of Choosin' for a Bruisin'. She answers that she would rather wrestle her best friend’s grandpa than eat two hundred lemons.

In the finale, Millie joins Caleb's supporters because she is against Julia. When Caleb reaches the second leg of the race, she gets shot by the t-shirt by MK. She, along with the rest of the Caleb's team, are unable to harm Wayne.


Audition tape

View this video for Millie‘s audition tape.


Millie explaining how to achieve fame in her parent's generation.

Millie explains that people in her parents' generation can achieve fame by writing a book, winning a Gemmy award, or curing polio. However, her generation can achieve fame simply for doing stupid stunts. She decided to become a Total Drama Island camper to research the failure of her generation.





See also

Interactions with Everyone | Damien | Priya | Ripper
Other content Millie’s notebook
Eliminated from Total Drama Island (2023)
Previous Episode Next
Julia Magma Cum Laude Bowie
Eliminated from Total Drama Island (2024)
Previous Episode Next
Chase You Poor Saps Emma
Ferocious Trout teammates
Axel | Chase | Damien | Millie | Priya | Ripper | Scary Girl | Zee
Team Rat Face teammates
Axel | Caleb | Damien | Emma | Millie | Nichelle | Priya | Zee
Total Drama Island (2023) Contestants
TDI23 Axel
TDI23 Bowie
TDI23 Caleb
TDI23 Chase
TDI23 Damien
TDI23 Emma
TDI23 Julia
TDI23 Ferocious Trout
TDI23 Millie
TDI23 Frogs of Death
TDI23 Priya
TDI23 Frogs of Death
TDI23 Raj
TDI23 Ripper
TDI23 Wayne
TDI23 Ferocious Trout
TDI23 Zee
Total Drama Island (2024) Contestants
TDI24 Axel
TDI24 Bowie
TDI24 Caleb
TDI24 Chase
TDI24 Damien
TDI24 Emma
TDI24 Julia
TDI24 Rat Face
TDI24 Millie
TDI24 Skunk Butt
TDI24 Priya
TDI24 Skunk Butt
TDI24 Raj
TDI24 Ripper
TDI24 Wayne
TDI24 Rat Face
TDI24 Zee