Total Drama Wiki

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Total Drama Wiki

One of the kids left their snack outside. The others must now find a way to help their friend to retrieve their precious snack before it is eaten by critters. Meanwhile, the teacher is receiving a very painful massage.


The episode starts with Chef greeting the kids and telling them that MacArthur is a chiropractor who is here to fix his back. MacArthur then slaps Chef's back and drags him into his office. Owen suddenly starts to panic when he realizes his fudgy lumps disappeared and begins to look for them everywhere. Noah explains to Bridgette that if Owen doesn't find them soon, it's gonna get ugly. Meanwhile, MacArthur helps Chef by adjusting his back, while he tells her how he managed to injure himself.

Owen freaks out

Owen starts freaking out when Izzy tells him that Chef is not able to help with the fudgy lumps.

Noah calms Owen down by having him remember what he has been doing earlier and realizes from his memories that Owen lost his fudgy lumps outside. Hearing this, Owen rushes to the outside door and, seeing his fudgy lumps on the other side, repeatedly tries to force it using every object he can find in the daycare. Duncan tells Noah that it's not possible to escape the daycare as he has tried every possible way to do so. Seeing that Owen keeps on failing, Izzy knocks on Chef's office's door in order to get his help, but he doesn't hear anything as he screams in pain due to the chiropractic adjustment. Duncan proposes a deal to Owen that he can get him outside in exchange for a cut from the fudgy lumps, but he initially refuses. Looking outside, Noah alerts Owen, who rushes to the door only to see a squirrel threatening his fudgy lumps. Noah mentions in the confessional that Owen has always had problems with squirrels (a montage is shown in which Owen gets attacked by squirrels). Continuing to look outside, Owen sees a snake approaching and hopes it will stop the squirrel, but the snake joins the squirrel in eating his fudgy lumps. Desperate, Owen claims he will share his fudgy lumps with everyone who helps him.

The kids decide to help Owen by finishing the tunnel started by Duncan. After digging for a while, the kids end up in the same room and Duncan calls them "amateurs." Watching the snake and squirrel still eating from his fudgy lumps box, which is almost empty, Owen calls for a new plan. Izzy tells her plan of hacking into the Defense Department using Chef's phone and using one of their drones to pick up the fudgy lumps right before Chef finishes his chiropractic adjustment. He decides to help the kids, but steps on a toy and breaks his back again. MacArthur arrives and drags him back into his office again. In the meantime, Izzy manages to acquire a drone from the military using Chef's phone. The drone arrives at the location and scares the squirrel away. At the Defense Department, one of the operators informs the general that one of their drones has been hacked, saying the phone belongs to a Norbert (a picture of Chef appears on the their screen). The general notices the fudgy lumps on the screen and decides to send in the troops.

Bidgette and noah feel bad for owen

Bridgette and Noah feel bad for Owen after his fudgy lumps have been ruined.

Izzy chaotically controls the drone and destroys the playground, while the kids try to give her directions. The military arrives at the daycare and MacArthur, believing they came for her due to not having a chiropractor license, starts attacking the military. She manages to break the outside door by shoving two soldiers into it. The kids take this chance to recover Owen's fudgy lumps, but Izzy accidentally deactivates the drone, which falls on the fudgy lumps. Chef arrives asking what it's going on, but Izzy tries another button, which makes the drone self-destruct. After this event, Chef is arrested and breaks his back again while being carried by the general. Owen grabs the remaining of the fudgy lumps box and says goodbye to them. Noah apologizes that they didn't manage to save them, but Owen cheerfully claims that he has another box in his lunch, to which Noah says "I should have seen that coming."

In the confessional, Owen states he could've told the other kids that he had another box of fudgy lumps and all the chaos and destruction could've been avoided, but he would've never known how much his friends care about him. Izzy arrives and tells Owen that she committed a federal offense because of him. Owen then opens his other fudgy lumps box only to find a pack of squirrels, who start attacking him.


Izzy is playing a card matching game on her tablet with each card representing a character from the show. Each time she gets it wrong, the character will either frown or appear to be shocked. When she is correct, the character either cheers or smiles before their cards disappear.


Voice actor Role(s)
Deven Mack Chef Hatchet
Kristin Fairlie Bridgette
Drew Nelson Duncan
Darren Frost Harold
Katie Crown Izzy
Christian Potenza Jude
Evany Rosen MacArthur
Cory Doran Noah/Soldier #2
Scott McCord Owen
Sarah Gadon Soldier #1/Robotic voice
Terry McGurrin General
  • Cody appears, but he has no lines.
  • Beth and Gwen appear in the ending credits, but they have no lines.



  • Chef's real name in this series is revealed to be Norbert. It is unknown whether or not the Chef Hatchet of the main series shares the same name.
  • While Chef is vacuuming in his flashback, there is a picture of the beach of the Calanque de Maubois.
  • Excluding Chef, the characters who appear in Izzy's game during the credits are the final two of Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action.




  • The Fudgy Lumps box is full on the drone camera despite being mostly eaten by the squirrel and snake.
  • Chef's tooth gap is absent in the X-Ray of his spine.
    • Harold's tooth gap is also absent when a squirrel hits the window.


See also

Total DramaRama Season 1 episodes
Venthalla | Duck Duck Juice | Cluckwork Orange | Free Chili | The Date | Aquarium for a Dream | Cuttin' Corners | Sharing is Caring | Ant We All Just Get Along | Germ Factory | Cone in 60 Seconds | The Bad Guy Busters | That's a Wrap | Tiger Fail | A Ninjustice to Harold | Having the Timeout of Our Lives | Hic Hic Hooray | Bananas & Cheese | Inglorious Toddlers | Not Without My Fudgy Lumps | Paint That a Shame | Snots Landing | Know it All | A Licking Time Bomb | From Badge to Worse | Snow Way Out | All Up In Your Drill | Toys Will Be Toys | Stay Goth, Poodle Girl, Stay Goth | Gum and Gummer | Invasion of the Booger Snatchers | Wristy Business | Melter Skelter | The Never Gwending Story | There Are No Hoppy Endings | Too Much of a Goo’d Thing | The Price of Advice | Mother of All Cards | Duncan Disorderly | Soother or Later | Camping is In Tents | Mutt Ado About Owen | Simons Are Forever | Stop! Hamster Time | Driving Miss Crazy | Weiner Takes All | Apoca-lice Now | Gnome More Mister Nice Guy | Look Who's Clocking | Harold Swatter and the Goblet of Flies | Stink. Stank. Stunk