Chef wakes up in his room.
Chef begins to sing while brushing his teeth.
Chef gets informed by the military that he got replaced with a robot.
Chef doesn't mind the fact that he got replaced since he considers the kids to be horrible.
The new teacher tells the kids a story.
Owen tells Duncan what happened with Chef.
Duncan starts thinking of all the things he can do now that Chef got replaced with a new teacher.
"Learn to read!" - Angel Duncan
Angel Duncan gets beaten up.
Duncan tells the kids that their new teacher is not Chef..
..and that with no Chef around, there are no rules anymore.
Courtney tries to convince the kids that rules are important.
The kids side with Duncan on this argument.
The kids' reactions when Duncan tells them that they can do anything they want now.
Cody becomes scared and wonders what they should do.
Courtney tells Cody that they should run and tell the new teacher about the other kids breaking rules.
Maude notices that her battery is getting low.
Maude charges herself up.
MacArthur wonders how is the robot teacher doing.
MacArthur wants all of the teachers in the world.. be one of their robots.
Macarthur's sure that the kids will need robot teachers since she herself has some kids at home.
Courtney and Cody tell Maude that the other kids are misbehaving.
Cody likes Maude because she smells like motor oil.
Owen makes a mess in the kitchen.
"This is amazing!" - Owen
Maude quickly cleans up the mess Owen created in the kitchen.
Maude gives Owen a time out.
Beth and Duncan want to challenge Maude.
Beth pours paint into the slide.
"No Chef, no rules!" - Beth
Beth after she comes out of the slide.
Maude washes the paint off of Beth.
Maude gives Beth a time out.
Harold tells Duncan that he finds sudoku challenging.
Duncan asks Harold what is the craziest thing that he always wanted to do.
Chef tells his mother that he was at the fun park..
..spent time together with a friend..
..and climbed a mountain.
"My life is spectacular!" - Chef
Harold build his own dojo training center.
Harold starts throwing cheese stars at the kids.
"Free cheese action!" - Jude
Harold loses control of what he's doing and accidentally causes a mess in the daycare.
Maude gives Harold a time out.
Maude quickly cleans up the mess that Harold created.
Courtney is impressed by Maude.
Maude's face accidentally fells off for a second, making Courtney and Duncan find out that she's a robot.
Duncan stops himself and Courtney from screaming.
Duncan tells the other kids that Maude is a robot.
The other kids begin to panic.
Courtney tries to stop the kids from panicking.
The kids run away from Maude.
Duncan shoves Richard Swimmons' bowl onto Maude.
MacArthur gets informed that Maude switched from caretaker to exterminator mode.
MacArthur begins to freak out because they're unable to shut down Maude.
Duncan gets scared by Maude.
Maude glues Harold to the wall.
Izzy wonders why would anyone build an old robot.
Jude thinks that maybe she used to be a baby robot.
Owen wonders who is going to make them lunch now..
..which annoys the other kids.
Duncan decides to call up Chef.
Duncan tells Chef that they need his help.
Duncan tells Chef that their new teacher is a robot.
Izzy runs out of the castle to go and talk with the military.
Chef refuses to help the kids.
Maude breaks into the castle.
Cody thinks that if he doesn't see Maude, then Maude won't see him either.
Maude glues Cody to the floor.
Courtney tries to call her mom for help.
Maude glues Courtney and Jude to the wall.
Maude finds Beth and Owen.
Maude glues Beth and Owen to the floor.
Duncan thinks that he can destroy Maude with water.
"Goodbye, cruel world!" - Duncan
Izzy runs over Maude with a tank.
Izzy asks Duncan where's Maude.
Duncan tells Izzy that she parked on her.
Izzy celebrates the fact that she destroyed Maude.
Chef becomes the daycare's teacher again.
Duncan wants Chef to admit that he missed them.