MacArthur finished building Chef's private bathroom.
MacArthur reveals that she didn't activate the bathroom's security system yet.
Chef runs to his bathroom.
Chef goes into his bathroom and sees..
.. Beth, Duncan and Noah next to his toilet.
Duncan flushes down a paint can.
"Buh-bye, paint can!"
- Duncan
Beth flushes down Chef's laptop.
Noah flushes down Chef's book.
Chef orders the kids to get out of his bathroom.
Chef activates the bathroom's security system.
Chef is really excited to try out his new toilet.
Noah hears Harold's tummy making strange noises.
Harold wants to get into Chef's bathroom.
Harold doesn't want to use the kids bathroom because Cody..
.. once got attacked by a giant octopus in there.
Noah considers the kids bathroom to be a one-way ticket to the emergency room.
Noah manages to break the bathroom's security system.
Harold runs over Noah and goes into the bathroom.
Noah asks Harold if he's okay.
Harold is impressed by Chef's bathroom.
Harold is unable to open the bathroom's door.
Noah notices that the security system got melted down.
Harold begins to freak out.
Harold desperately tries to open the bathroom's door.
Harold accidentally flushes down a vase..
.. which makes Noah think that Harold flushed himself down the toilet.
Noah wants Beth and Duncan to help him out.
Beth and Duncan don't care about Harold flushing himself down the toilet.
Noah comes up with a plan as to how he can convince the kids to help him out.
Noah convinces Duncan to help him out.
Beth now also wants to help Noah out.
"That was really stuck on there."
- Harold
Harold draws a face on a toilet paper..
.. and calls it "Mr. TP".
The kids try looking for Harold in the sewer.
A talking alligator welcomes the 3 kids.
The talking alligator introduces himself to the kids and tells them that his name is Sewer Mike.
Noah tells Sewer Mike that they're only here for Harold.
Duncan describes Harold to Sewer Mike.
Sewer Mike tells the kids that they're the only people he has seen in years.
Beth feels bad for Sewer Mike.
Duncan tells Sewer Mike that his pad looks like stuffed people flushed down the toilet.
The kids decide to leave Sewer Mike.
Sewer Mike takes out a book that talks about how to make best friends.
Sewer Mike tells the kids that he will help them find Harold if they stay with him for a little longer.
The kids decide to stay with Sewer Mike for a few more minutes.
Harold plays basketball with himself.
Harold apologizes to Mr. TP for insulting him.
Sewer Mike reads the first step on how to make best friends.
Sewer Mike asks Beth what's in her brain.
Beth tells Sewer Mike everything that's in her brain.
Sewer Mike is now terrified of Beth.
Sewer Mike reads the next step on how to make best friends.
Sewer Mike sees Duncan painting his cauch.
Duncan explains to Sewer Mike why he painted his cauch.
Duncan breaks one of Sewer Mike's statues.
Beth and Noah tell Sewer Mike that he should be honest with Duncan.
Sewer Mike reads the third step on how to make best friends.
Sewer Mike tries to hug Noah.
Beth thinks that Sewer Mike wants to eat Noah.
The kids now consider Sewer Mike to be a jerk.
Sewer Mike decides to befriend the kids in a mean way.
Sewer Mike puts the kids into a cage.
Noah knows how to open up the cage.
Harold draws a line between him and Mr. TP.
Harold apologizes to Mr. TP for what he did.
The kids run away from Sewer Mike.
Sewer Mike begins to chase after the kids.
Sewer Mike catches up to the kids.
Sewer Mike orders the kids to climb into his mouth.
The kids find a way to get out of the sewer.
Harold comes up with a plan as to how he can get out of the bathroom.
The kids land on Harold's raft.
Noah asks Harold what's up with his beard.
Beth notices that Sewer Mike..
The kids' reactions when they see Sewer Mike.
The kids get out of the bathroom.
Harold notices that Mr. TP fell off of the raft.
The kids are happy that they're all safe.
Harold is sad about Mr. TP getting lost.
Noah tries to make Harold feel better.
Beth wonders what happened to Sewer Mike.
Sewer Mike took Mr. TP and befriended him.
Noah thinks that things around the daycare will go back to normal now.
Chef runs into his bathroom and starts screaming after he sees what happened to it.