Chef's got a surprise for the kids.
Izzy thinks that they're getting a nuclear submarine.
Owen thinks that it's all you can eat cheese day.
Harold thinks that robots have turned against humanity..
.. which scares the other kids.
Chef shows the kids the vocationator 3000.
Harold enters the vocationator 3000.
The vocationator 3000 does random things to Harold while asking him questions.
Harold gets electrocuted by the vocationator 3000.
Harold thinks that his pancreas is broken.
The kids after they all entered the vocationator 3000.
Chef tells Leshawna that she's going to be a rocket scientist.
Leshawna's reaction to her becoming a rocket scientist.
Izzy will be an army general.
Harold will be an interpretive dancer.
Cody thinks that he will be a moose.
The vocationator 3000 thinks that Cody will be a president.
"Moose president it is!" - Cody
Duncan will be a brain surgeon.
Duncan swithced career cards with Courtney.
Courtney will be a parking lot attendant.
Courtney pretends that she likes what the machine thinks she's going to be in the future.
Courtney asks Chef if he's sure the machine didn't make a mistake.
Owen wonders what did the machine say about his future.
The machine thinks that Owen is going to be nothing.
Cody puts on a dog costume.
Chef tells the kids to go practice their future careers.
Leshawna turns Chef's car into a spaceship while Owen does nothing.
Harold practices his dance moves.
Izzy practices being an army general.
Courtney practices being a parking lot attendant.
Owen thinks that doing nothing is boring.
Duncan thinks that Owen's best at farting.
Owen once farted for half a day straight.
Owen also once farted the national anthem of every European country.
Owen's surprised that he was able to do that considering that he never heard those anthems before.
Courtney tells the kids to stop talking about Owen's farts.
Chef thinks that farting has no real value in life.
Cody tells everyone to come outside.
A spaceship approaches the earth.
Chef asks Leshawna what is approaching them.
Leshawna tells Chef that it's a spaceship..
.. which makes everyone begin to panic.
Some aliens arrive and introduce themselves to everyone.
If Chef and the kids won't meet their standards..
.. this is what will happen to them.
Izzy thinks that hamsters are adorable.
The aliens show the kids how their hamsters look like.
Courtney gives the aliens a bill and asks them to give her their keys.
Harold thinks that they're too young for this.
The alien wants Duncan to name the 4 lobes of the human brain.
Duncan doesn't know the 4 lobes of the human brain..
.. so he gets glued by the aliens too.
Harold shows the aliens his dance moves.
The aliens hate Harold's dance moves.
Owen thinks that he won't be able to impress the aliens.
Leshawna goes to finish her spaceship.
The aliens find Izzy's army to be interesting.
The aliens take out the army.
Izzy tells the aliens that she's also good at making cat sounds.
Izzy gets glued by the aliens.
Courtney also gets glued by the aliens.
The aliens think that they should've glued Courtney a lot earlier.
The alien now wants to see what Owen can do.
The alien is about to glue Owen..
Owen's fart kills one of the aliens.
The alien is impressed by Owen.
Owen thinks that he's the best at farting.
The aliens go back into their spaceship.
Leshawna's disappointed that she didn't get to show the aliens her awesome skills.
Owen uses Leshawna's spaceship to stop the aliens from destroying the earth.
Owen eats chili cheese chips while listening to Leshawna.
Leshawna tells Owen that what he's about to do won't be easy.
Owen dodges multiple attacks.
Owen finds the heart of the aliens' spaceship.
"Make them pay, Owen!" - Leshawna to Owen
Owen kills all of the aliens.
Chef wonders what just happened.
Leshawna tells everyone that Owen just saved the world.
Owen lands back on earth.
Chef is really proud of Owen.
Courtney tells Owen that it's 15 bucks to park here.
"You're the most disgusting planet saver ever." - Leshawna to Owen