The teacher's pet brought in a diorama for Show & Tell but a classmate's bad habit caused her one of the furniture. The kids try everything they can to get the missing piece back before class starts.

Courtney comes in the daycare, with a wagon, carrying something heavy.
The episode starts with Courtney walking into the daycare carrying something heavy (her Show & Tell) to class. Bridgette questions her (Courtney) if she just pulled it all the way from home. Courtney answers with a "yes". Beth, in the confessional, mentions that Courtney's the best Show & Teller, and last month, she brought in a talking goat. In a flashback, Courtney tells the class goats scream when they are scared, she then scares it with a wolf mask, causing it to run through the door as she chases after it, Chef tells her that was a good presentation. Beth says she can't wait to see what Courtney brings today.

Beth admires Courtney's dollhouse.
Bridgette excitingly asks what Courtney brought, but she can't show them yet as it will spoil the surprise. Bridgette desperately asks, and Courtney finally shows them, revealing it is her ultimate dream doll house. The kids begin looking at it in awe. She tells them she designed every piece of it herself and her dad helped her build it. She mentions it took a year to make and has everything she wants her house to have when she grows up, even a crafting room. Beth asks Courtney if she can spill glitter on the floor and not get mad.
Courtney explains there is an extra wide chimney for Santa, but notices that her couch missing, and asks if anyone has seen it. Beth nervously says no, and Courtney tells her she needs that couch or she can't do her show and tell, because it has to be perfect. In the confessional, Beth says she stuck it up her nose when Courtney wasn't looking.
Courtney begins to panic, saying things don't just disappear, and Izzy says sometimes they do, throwing smoke on the ground. As the smoke disappears, she is covered by a blanket and tells the kids they can't see her because she's "invisible." Harold tells Courtney they'll help her find the couch.
As Owen finishes a bag of chips, he looks in it and says the couch is not in it. Outside, Bridgette emerges from the sandbox and says it's not in there either. Harold kicks down the bathroom stall door, saying there is no couch in the toilet. Izzy pops out of the vent and says that the couch is not in there, she tells them she found a new friend, pulling out a dead bird named "Linty." She throws the bird and Noah tries telling her the bird is dead, but she hugs it while he sighs.
Courtney asks if the kids have found their couch in disbelief, they all say no, and she starts crying. Inside Beth's nose, a couch asks if anyone is there, a hotdog then welcomes her to Beth's nose. A red crayon introduces itself as "Fire Engine Red." The couch asks how they all got in there, and the hotdog tells it they are the chosen ones, the red crayon says Beth likes shoving things in her nose and that is why they are there. The couch is happy and asks if they just sit and play with giggle dough all day, but the hotdog says it isn't giggle dough.
Beth tells Courtney not to cry because the house is still cool, but Courtney says she can't show due to it not being complete, because according to Courtney, a home is not a home without a couch. She then leaves crying. Bridgette feels bad for Courtney and wonders where the couch went. Beth says it is not in her nose and laughs it off, but confesses it is. Bridgette then asks how it ended up there, and Beth says she just likes putting things up her nose. In a flashback, Beth, with an action figure up her nose, is at the doctor's office. The doctor tells her to stop putting things up there because she'll run out of room. Bridgette tells her to pick it out, Beth says she tried but can't find it. Inside her nose, Courtney's couch makes a replica of the house she used to be in with boogers, then Beth's finger comes rushing in, the couch gets out of the way and asks the others what happened. The hotdog tells her it is nose-picking, a thing people do
At the top of the treehouse, the kids take turns to slide down to the sand pit. The camera shifts to the bottom of the slide showing the person leaving it; Duncan, Noah, Courtney, Izzy, Richard Swimmins, Owen, a pizza box, Gwen and finally a bear which shocks everyone except Owen who is eating the pizza.
Voice actor | Role(s) |
Deven Mack | Chef Hatchet |
Sarah Gadon | Beth/Couch |
Kristin Fairlie | Bridgette |
Wyatt White | Cody |
Emilie-Claire Barlow | Courtney |
Lilly Bartlam | Gwen |
Darren Frost | Harold |
Katie Crown | Izzy |
Christian Potenza | Hotdog |
Cory Doran | Noah/Crayon/Doctor |
Scott McCord | Owen |
- Duncan appears in the ending credits but has no lines.
- This is the first episode of the series that aired in Canada earlier than it did in America.
- Courtney mentions that she has a younger sister named Kate.
- This episode was skipped in the European version.
- Beth's habit of putting objects into her nose was first mentioned in Sharing is Caring, which coincidentally was also an episode about Courtney's show-and-tell going wrong.
- The name of the episode is a reference to the TV series Knots Landing.
- Neti pots, which Cody mistakes the tea kettle for, are actual objects used for clearing out the sinuses.
- The episode's description from the Cartoon Network website describes that Courtney is taking her diorama for a contest when it is actually a Show & Tell.