Total Drama Wiki

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Total Drama Wiki

The class lone wolf accidentally brought a toy from their past. Worried that this will completely change how their classmates will feel about them, the lone wolf must make sure that their toy must not fall into anyone else's hands.




The kids make papier-mache projects. Beth tries to make a replica of the school, but it falls over to her disappointment. Courtney makes a shark and notices Owen who made papier-mache cookies. He sprinkles them with red paint, eats them, and washes them down with yellow paint, only to realize what he just ate.


Voice actor Role(s)
Deven Mack Chef Hatchet
Sarah Gadon Beth/Commercial voiceover lady/Singing voiceovers
Wyatt White Cody
Emilie-Claire Barlow Courtney
Drew Nelson Duncan
Lilly Bartlam Gwen
Katie Crown Izzy
Christian Potenza Jude
Cory Doran Noah/Male voiceover
Scott McCord Owen



  • When the kids choose a friend for "Partner playtime", a child version of Geoff can be briefly seen for a second.
  • The animation of Owen eating and showering it down with glue is notably recycled from the trailer.



  • The title is a reference to the quote, "Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold." from the 1967 novel, The Outsiders.


  • The episode's description from the Cartoon Network website says that Gwen brought a pink stuffed pony with her to the daycare but she actually brought a pink stuffed poodle with her.


See also[]

Total DramaRama Season 1 episodes
Venthalla | Duck Duck Juice | Cluckwork Orange | Free Chili | The Date | Aquarium for a Dream | Cuttin' Corners | Sharing is Caring | Ant We All Just Get Along | Germ Factory | Cone in 60 Seconds | The Bad Guy Busters | That's a Wrap | Tiger Fail | A Ninjustice to Harold | Having the Timeout of Our Lives | Hic Hic Hooray | Bananas & Cheese | Inglorious Toddlers | Not Without My Fudgy Lumps | Paint That a Shame | Snots Landing | Know it All | A Licking Time Bomb | From Badge to Worse | Snow Way Out | All Up In Your Drill | Toys Will Be Toys | Stay Goth, Poodle Girl, Stay Goth | Gum and Gummer | Invasion of the Booger Snatchers | Wristy Business | Melter Skelter | The Never Gwending Story | There Are No Hoppy Endings | Too Much of a Goo’d Thing | The Price of Advice | Mother of All Cards | Duncan Disorderly | Soother or Later | Camping is In Tents | Mutt Ado About Owen | Simons Are Forever | Stop! Hamster Time | Driving Miss Crazy | Weiner Takes All | Apoca-lice Now | Gnome More Mister Nice Guy | Look Who's Clocking | Harold Swatter and the Goblet of Flies | Stink. Stank. Stunk