When it's Chef's birthday, a special kid will win a prize for giving him the best surprise. Then after Gwen over-decorates a birthday table with balloons, the kids float away to a deserted island.
At the Daycare as the kids are doing their things, Chef is singing that today's his birthday and is extra excited as he plans to throw himself the best surprise party ever (despite him knowing it's a party) and also told them they he has bought numerous supplies for the party, including balloons that he wants to kids to keep it a secret as he revealed that a while back, there was an incident with some balloons a few years back (which he refuse to reveal) and asked if they are ready to throw him a surprise party but Owen mentions that it wouldn't be a surprise if Chef knows and he revealed that he will hit his head on a bookcase in order to forgot this and explains that there is a contest where the kid who gives him the best present will get to do anything they want for the whole month, and upon hearing that the kids all agreed to do it (with Courtney agreeing as she wants to finally learn due to no being able to before). However, Gwen revealed that she doesn't do surprises as Chef put her in charge of the party.
Later, Gwen has made enough balloons for the party, but Chef wants more of them, much to her annoyance, as she finishes, Chef puts a cake on the table and tries to make a wish, but when Gwen sets up the last balloon, the table floats away due to too many balloons and tries to weigh it down only to be trapped on top of it. As Chef thought about what his wish is gonna be, he sees that Gwen is floating from the sky. When he tries to get the other kids to save her, he realizes they're gone.
In the sky, Gwen tries to look for something useful in the presents, she finds that the other kids are stowed away in them. Izzy's surprised that her friends stole her idea of being the gift. Courtney retorts that the smartest person thought of the idea first. thinking that she was referring to him, Duncan took it as a compliment and claims that he was the one who did. Courtney, with a hint of annoyance, thinks that if she were immature, she'd replied to that with a fart. At that moment, Owen let out a fart, and is confused about what Courtney is thanking him for. as Gwen angrily reminds the kids that they're floating in the sky, Cody asks for his backup pants in case of an emergency, Courtney then comes with a idea that if they pop the balloons one at a time, they should be able to get down, But Gwen states that they're hovering over shark infested waters. Izzy asks what they should do now, Owen comes up with an idea.
Owen's plan consists of him, Duncan and Izzy eating Chef's birthday cake, to which Courtney and Gwen disapprove of it. Suddenly, Cody notices a plane headed their way that pops the balloons, which causes the kids to fall and land on a deserted island, Once there, they encounter a man named Bobby, who tells them that the island is where he lives, and that he and his friends are gonna eat and take them to meet them. Back at the Daycare, Chef worries that the kids' parents will never give him presents if he explains their disappearance to them, and tries to think of a plan. Back at the island, Bobby introduces his friends to the kids, all of which are balloons with faces drawn on them, and goes to serve his special recipe which he calls it, "Coco A La Bobby". Gwen thinks if she and the other kids are trapped in the island any longer, they'll end up like Bobby, and comes up with an idea to get them out of here, Izzy then starts talking with Bobby's friends. As Gwen tries to protest that she's talking to balloons, she comes up with a plan: by adding Bobby's friends to the remains of the rest, It might get the table back in the sky. Owen wants to distract Bobby with a game of "Name That Food Fart", while Duncan wants to distract him with a wedgie. when Cody asks if they're in the sky, how do they reach the bottom, Gwen tells him that they should pop the balloons, but Izzy refuses to let them do so, and so she runs off from the other kids.
Meanwhile, Chef decided to pretend everything's normal so that the kids' parents won't suspect anything by making homemade dolls of them. back at the island, Izzy tells Bobby that Gwen wants to tie his friends to the table and go back home, to which he thinks it doesn't make sense as balloons only go up, but she finishes her sentence by telling him that once they're home, Gwen wants to pop the balloons, much to his shock. upon hearing Gwen calling her name, they hide in a bush with the balloons sticking out. Gwen successfully tricks them and grabs the balloons. Bobby begs her not to pop them because they're his only friends, to which Courtney tells him that he's coming along with them. Gwen is confused at first, but decides to compile to her decision. Bobby tells them he'll come if they don't pop his friends. As the kids and Bobby approach the daycare, He cuts off his friends while saying goodbye to them. As they reach the ground, they notice the daycare being deserted with homemade dolls of the kids. Chef finds them to be back and is overjoyed to see them safe.as he searches for his presents, he notices Bobby. As it turns out Bobby was the previous balloon incident, upon finding out, the kids become angry at Chef for letting a lot of kids float off into the sky, Chef mentions that 26 kids have flown away. as a result, Gwen wins the best surprise contest, so now she gets to do whatever she wants this month. so as punishment for letting millions of kids float off into the sky, she puts Chef on the table with the balloons tied on top of it. The episode ends with Chef floating away while crying.
Leshawna and Lightning play a game of tennis, but the ball hits an alien spaceship. An alien lands on the court, scaring them and they run away.
Voice actor | Role(s) |
Deven Mack | Chef Hatchet |
Wyatt White | Cody |
Emilie-Claire Barlow | Courtney |
Drew Nelson | Duncan |
Lilly Bartlam | Gwen |
Katie Crown | Izzy |
Scott McCord | Owen |
Rob Tinkler | Bobby |
- Mr. Coconut makes a cameo appearance when Izzy tells Bobby that Gwen wants to pop his balloons.
- The background from Bahamarama is reused.
- The fourth wall is broken when Chef claims that an incident a few years ago will play no further role in this episode in any way, followed by Cody saying, "Ooh, I love foreshadowing."
- Much of the plot of this episode is similar to Camp Castaways:
- Both episodes involves characters getting stranded on a deserted island.
- Coincidentally, Gwen, Duncan and Owen are involved in both episodes.
- As a callback to Camp Castaways, Mr. Coconut makes a cameo appearance.
- A character going mad from isolation make friends with inanimate objects, even giving them names.
- Chef has let over 26 students float away from the daycare due to too many balloons.
- In the credits, an alien from School District 9 returns.
- Cody mentions that his parents reminded him of his birthday the previous year. In Awwwwww, Drumheller, Cody too doesn't remember of his birthday until Sierra reminded him. As an added irony, Cody's parents doesn't remember his birthday in the original continuity but they do in this series.
- The children's situation of floating away from a large number of balloons is similar to Harold's situation in Toys Will Be Toys.
- Chef makes doll versions of the kids in an attempt to keep his sanity, as he did in Say Hello to My Little Friends.
- When Bobby is introducing his balloon friends, he names one Olivier. However, when saying goodbye, he refers to it as Oliver.