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Owen has a mishap while baking an upside-down cake and is transported to an upside-down world where he is forced to outwit himself in order to get his cake back.


The episode begins at the daycare backyard, where Owen notices Duncan escaping by tunneling underground. Owen tries to give him some positive reinforcement through cheering, only to crash onto Duncan, the latter deciding to give the former a wedgie later.

Inside the daycare, Owen opens his lunchbox, wandering what his mom packed for him today. To his shock, there is only one grapefruit inside (Owen claims that it, along with any fruit, is not dessert or food) and he urges to call the police in panic. Courtney arrives and asks if a serious crime had happened, reprimanding Owen the moment he tells her that his mom forgot to pack desert with his lunch (which is not even a crime) and leaving in a huff. Owen then tells his rumbling tummy that they will be fine before Gwen, who is hiding in a darkened corner, replies that they won't unless Owen has a backup plan. He remembers that he did make a backup plan. After drawing a keypad on the side of a shelf, Owen enters a secret pantry hidden behind the shelf. Gwen tells him that he should've just filled the pantry with ready-to-eat desserts, to which Owen replies that he hadn't thought of that. Rummaging through a cookbook, he decides to make upside-down cake.

Owen gathers all the ingredients needed for the upside-down cake but Gwen tells him that the eggs are expired. Owen wonders what will happen if he eats expired eggs and Gwen answered that he will get rabies and his limbs will fall off. Owen shrugs it off, saying that he will risk it anyway. Once the upside-down cake is finished, the oven starts to glow and a portal appears because of the expired eggs. The portal pulls Owen in and sends him to what appears to be the daycare's backyard. He is then surprised by a giant worm eating a bird and Gwen, who is smiling and wearing a pink version of her outfit, bringing him inside the daycare. Owen wonders why Gwen is singing when Duncan, who is wearing a bowtie and glasses and has a smiley face on his shirt and his hair neatly styled, asks him to sign a petition about the right to be at school everyday (including weekends). Owen, frightened that the two are not acting like themselves, decides to get his cake and leave. Duncan laughs upon hearing 'cake' and Gwen gives Owen junk food. However, instead of the usual junk food consisting of chips and sweets that Owen expects them to be, they are in the form of vegetables. Chef, dressed as a hippie, senses his negative feelings and calmly advises him to express them in the Comfort Corner, which appears to look like the Timeout Corner. Owen then catches Courtney sporting a green mohawk and digging through the daycare floor, who muses that he almost looks and sounds like another Owen as well as hearing 'cake' which she claims to be healthy. Upon learning that the people in the daycare are the opposite of what they normally were and that all the junk food are healthy food, Owen deduces that he is in the Backside World. Backside World Courtney decides to help Owen return home if he gives whatever she wants in return.

Alternate Courtney opens the secret pantry and to Owen's surprise, the pantry is stocked with nothing but vegetables. Backside World Owen pops up from the vegetable pile while holding Original Owen's cake. Original Owen demands his alternate self to return the cake but the latter refuses, saying that the cake holds too much power. Backside World Owen then stabs the cake with a carrot while Original Owen watches in fear and helplessness as the cake was his only ticket back to his own dimension. Backside World Courtney decides to go to someone who can help them.

That someone is revealed to be Backside World Jude, who is a genius. Backside World Courtney tells him of Original Owen's predicament and they need Backside World Jude's help. Original Owen asks Backside World Jude if he can bring the cake back to life but the latter says he can't. Instead, Backside World Jude uses his Reversilator machine to revert the smashed cake into batter. They then proceed to bake it again using the oven (Hard to Roast Range) to open the portal back to Owen's home dimension.

Suddenly, Backside World Owen starts throwing carrots at them, causing Original Owen, Backside World Courtney, and Backside World Jude to retreat to the kitchen. Backside World Courtney tells Original Owen to bake the cake and open the portal while she distracts Backside World Owen. She then catches three of the carrots that Backside World Owen is throwing into a blender, turns them into carrot juice, and sprays Backside World Owen and Backside World Duncan (who is providing fighting music via violin) with it to disorient them, giving Original Owen the opportunity to return to the oven. In the meantime, Backside World Duncan tells Backside World Chef about what happened but Backside World Chef dismisses it as nothing but stress and brings him to the Comfort Corner, much to his dismay.

Original Owen sets the oven when his alternate self threatens to throw a carrot at him. Fortunately, Backside World Courtney throws the blender to disarm Backside World Owen and a watermelon to knock him out. Just then, the cake finishes baking but no portal has appeared as Backside World Jude tells Original Owen to reverse the polarity, which is turning the cake upside down. While Backside World Courtney and Backside World Jude hold Backside World Owen back, Original Owen did what Backside World Jude said. The portal appears and Original Owen jumps in it.

Owen finds himself in the daycare's backyard and wonders if he did make it back home. To make sure he is home, Owen asks Gwen for a hug and she threatens him that she will remove all of his bones while he sleeps. Upon hearing that, Owen is finally relieved that he is back in his dimension. He then remembers about his deal with Backside World Courtney and forgot to pay her back. Surprisingly, she tells him that he helped her escaped the Backside World daycare, revealing that she went into the portal after him. She then rides through the backyard gate and out of the daycare on her tricycle while Original Courtney says that she doesn't care for her alternate counterpart. Chef calls the kids for lunch and Owen eats his upside-down cake. Unfortunately for him, eating the cake before lunchtime sends him to another dimension where everything, to Owen's horror, is made of fruits and vegetables.


Chef is washing his car, but it is damaged by a winged elephant that was shot out of a cannon from the circus!


Voice actor Role(s)
Deven Mack Chef Hatchet
Emilie Claire-Barlow Courtney
Drew Nelson Duncan
Lilly Bartlam Gwen
Christian Potenza Jude
Scott McCord Owen



  • The personalities of the residents of the Backside World are a complete opposite to the main universe:
    • Instead of a gloomy Goth girl, the alternate Gwen is a cheerful girl who wears a pink outfit, much like her cousin, Ella.
    • Duncan and Courtney have swapped personalities, with Alternate Duncan being a teacher's pet who loves school, wears glasses, has neatly combed hair and the skull on his shirt is replaced with a smiley face, while Alternate Courtney not only has a green mohawk like Duncan, but she is also a delinquent who attempts to escape school.
    • Alternate Chef is a hippie who is less stressful than the original Chef and speaks spiritually.
    • Alternate Owen has none of Owen's kindness and instead is a rude boy who finds pleasure in seeing others in pain. Physically, he resembles the original Owen but claims that the light blue maple leaf on Alternate Owen's shirt is backwards.
    • Alternate Jude is a boy genius instead of the goofball he is in the original world. He also doesn't say "dude" like the original Jude.
    • The Comfort Corner replaces the Timeout Corner.
    • Owen's secret pantry is assessed by an actual mechanical keypad rather than one drawn on a piece of paper like in the original world. It is also stocked with vegetables rather than ingredients for making sugary desserts
    • The food chain is reversed as seen when a worm eats a bird when Owen first enters the Backside World



  • The episode title is the exact same as a book of the same title by Roxi Harms.
  • Backside Jude tells Owen to "reverse the polarity" of the cake, which is the catchphrase of the titular Doctor from the popular British sci-fi TV series Doctor Who.
  • After Backside Courtney knocks a carrot out his hand with a blender, Backside Owen says "Why you little". This is one of the catchphrases of Homer Simpson from the popular TV show The Simpsons.



See also[]

Total DramaRama Season 2 episodes
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