Chef tells the kids that Bridgette has done something very nice.
Bridgette shows the kids her bald head.
Duncan laughs at Bridgette.
Bridgette donated her hair for a charity.
Chef goes to do a little yard work.
Chef is angry at the landscaper for never showing up.
Bridgette shows a video about the charity to the kids.
Lilith O'Doherty introduces herself.
Lilith O'Doherty sings a song..
Lilith O'Doherty wants to help out hairless cats.
Lilith O'Doherty gets attacked by a hairless cat.
Owen and Izzy found the video to be very sad.
Bridgette shows a picture of the cat that she donated her hair for.
Bridgette got a plaque that says that she's a good person.
"My dentist says I have tons of plaque." - Owen
Bridgette tells the kids that their hair needs to be as luxurious as hers was.
"She thinks she can out hairdo Leshawna?" - Leshawna
Izzy's excited to get her hair cut off so that she can see her brains underneath.
Owen wants to help the kitties.
Owen imagines himself with luxurious hair.
Bridgette decides to help out the kids.
Chef begins to mow the yard.
Bridgette puts seeds on the kids' hair.
Leshawna asks Bridgette if she really thinks that her plan will work.
Bridgette thinks that her plan will work for sure.
Leshawna's angry because Bridgette's plan didn't work.
Bridgette goes to get some fertilizer.
Owen doesn't know what fertilizer is.
Bridgette gives the kids a drink that she thinks will make them grow hair.
The kids drink the liquid.
Bridgette asks the kids how do they feel.
Owen's stomach begins to hurt.
Bridgette accidentally gave the kids megalax.
The kids go to the bathroom.
Bridgette gives the kids horseradish.
Leshawna thinks that Bridgette is just messing with them now.
Izzy thinks that horseradish sounds fun.
The kids after they ate the horseradish.
Owen put horseradish on his chest.
Owen can't stop dancing now.
Bridgette's got one more idea to try.
The kids hope that Bridgette's plan will work this time.
Leshawna thinks that Bridgette is trying to make them quit.
Bridgette puts the last ingredient into the mix.
"Okay guys, scoop up a handful and massage it into your head." - Bridgette
The kids wonder how much skunk spray did Bridgette put into the mix.
Leshawna tells the kids that Bridgette surely knows what she's doing.
Leshawna pushes Bridgette..
Leshawna wanted Bridgette to be the first one to test what she made.
Bridgette tells the kids to give her a mirror.
Bridgette looks at herself in the mirror.
Bridgette screams and runs out of the daycare.
Owen's surprised that Bridgette's plan worked.
Leshawna wants to find Bridgette and apologize to her.
Leshawna thinks that they need to think like a hairy kid in order to find Bridgette.
The kids get into the mix to grow more hair.
The kids go looking for Bridgette.
Bridgette got caught by Bigfoot.
The kids are surprised by how good Bigfoot's english is.
Leshawna tells the kids that they need to save Bridgette.
Izzy comes up with a plan.
The kids run into Bigfoot's direction.
Bigfoot catches the kids and hugs them.
Izzy's surprised that her plan didn't work.
Bridgette's happy about the kids trying to rescue her.
Leshawna apologises to Bridgette for what she did.
Owen hears a strange noise.
The kids try to get Chef's attention.
Izzy wants Owen to throw the almond butter at Chef.
Leshawna hits Chef with the almond butter.
Chef finally notices the kids and asks them if they did something with their hair.
Leshawna tells Chef to get them out of there already.
Chef tells Bigfoot to leave.
Chef runs over Bigfoot with the lawn mower tractor.
Chef thinks that he got carried away there a bit.
The kids donated their hair to hairless cats.
The kids donated so much hair that there are no more hairless cats.
Lilith O'Doherty's got a new charity.
Lilith O'Doherty now wants to help out bald bigfoots.
Bigfoot hugs Lilith O'Doherty.
Bridgette wants to grow out more hair now.